With several EU countries, including Germany, going wobbly on nuclear power, Russian gas may be needed to make up the shortfall, if only temporarily.
The Commission has approved the use of MON 810 around the 27-nation bloc, but several EU countries have expressed concern about its safety, including Austria, Greece and Hungary.
Several countries in the region have cut or restricted flights to and from Mexico and the EU could follow suit at the behest of France.
If a crime took place several years ago, notes Ms Powell, a Greek court may regard it as time-barred and decline to extradite, even though other EU countries would count it as still prosecutable.
Among the several criteria is finding 1m signatories (0.2% of the EU population) from a quarter of member countries.
Among the several criteria is finding 1m signatories (0.2% of the EU population) from a quarter of member countries.