We should severely punish tax-dodging crime because it endangers the tax administration system seriously.
Please do not steal other people's works, if found out, not only we will delete this work piece, we will also severely punish the 'thief'.
To begin with, relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those who escape the responsibilities of caring for their parents.
The law, which goes into effect on June 1, 2009, will enhance monitoring and supervision, toughen-up safety standards, recall substandard products and severely punish offenders.
The environment ministry says it will put full-time inspectors into all big mines, tighten licensing and punish polluters more severely.
"Punish the attacker severely and give dignity back to doctors," read a digital sign set up by the staff, according to state media.
We should strengthen supervision and control by improving our institutions. And we ought to punish severely the enterprises of whom the misconducts are turned a deaf ear to.
In response, firms will need to be even more transparent in their dealings with customers, who will punish them severely if they fail to keep their promises.
Studies have even shown a connection between physical disgust and moral disgust, Curtis said. "If you sit people in a room with bad smells, they punish more severely," she said.
If so, I will punish him most severely or will kill him unless he bring me a convincing excuse!
The laws punish companies severely if an employee hurts themselves at work and the company did not do everything it could to make the workplace safe.
The laws punish companies severely if an employee hurts themselves at work if the company did not do everything they could to make the workplace safe.
The nature is providing us with plentiful resources generously, but it may punish us severely if we don't care her.
In addition, Beijing will punish those people who violate the regulations of emission-reduction more severely.
But you should know that Hogwarts can expel students, and the Ministry of Magic - yes, there is a Ministry - will punish law breakers still more severely.
The rogue and vice force cases appear in thousands of forms, being very difficult to be measured by uniform standard, so it is very hard in legal application to punish this kind of criminals severely.
The police intend to clobber drunk drivers, ie punish them severely.
Because if you are not willing to punish people severely for crimes and are not willing to affect the livelihoods of those who support the criminals, you are not going to get real results, he said.
In short, it is imperative that legislative measures should be taken by the authority to punish drunk drivers severely such as suspending their driving licenses or even putting them into jail.
Furthermore, Beijing will punish those who violate the rules of emission-reduction more severely.
It is noticeable that the family metaphor is adopted by such organized groups as the Mafia, and who punish severely any family members who transgress family rules.
Furthermore, Beijing will punish those who violate the rules of emission-reduction more severely.
The laws punish companies severely if an employee hurts themselves at work if the company did not do everything they could to make the workplace safe.
The laws punish companies severely if an employee hurts themselves at work if the company did not do everything they could to make the workplace safe.