Arthur C. Clarke likes to quote his friend and fellow SF writer Ray Bradbury.
We don't want to limit your interpretation of SF either.
SF Chronicle's Holiday Gift Guide: More Nonfiction books.
《旧金山纪事报》(SF Chronicle)节日礼物指南:更多非虚构类图书。
Guidelines for calculating sureness factors (SF) are as follows.
Conclusion: SF contributes to postpone the progression of DR in rats.
Boy I remember the cultural shock I had when I first arrived in SF in 1982!
JH: I think SF has a good future as long as it doesn't take itself too seriously.
Sf writers are supposed to be soaked in the future, ready to come to grips with it.
Nice big modern homes (30, 000 + sf) are still very expensive, but not Hearst Castle.
漂亮的现代大家居(30 000 +标准型)仍然十分昂贵,但不像赫斯特城堡那样。
The SF writers I like best are the ones who are funny, and there are not many of them.
To get you started, we have asked some of our favourite writers to suggest their SF greats.
Neither of the groups displayed any difference compared with the age-matched norm groups for the SF-36.
采用SF - 36与年龄匹配的标准组进行比较均未发现组间有任何显著差异。
Of course, the future and its influence on SF isn't really as simple and straightforward as I've laid it out here.
That was SF comedy. But it never got made in the end, which was a shame, because there was some nice stuff in there.
Should patient satisfaction scores replace functional outcome measures such as ASIA motor, SF-36, and WISCI scores?
患者的满意度评分应该替代功能性结果测量如asia运动评分、SF - 36和WISCI评分吗?
Some couriers work directly for companies such as JD. com, ane-commerce retailer, or SF Express, a delivery service.
I like writing SF and to a lesser extent fantasy, but I can also see doing some historical novels and alternate histories.
Methods 42 AIDS patients were implemented by demand of nursing care, the life quality was com- pared by SF-36 after nursing.
I remember being impressed early on by Alfred Bester, particularly the Stars My Destination, still one of the great SF novels.
There were, however, differences concerning the mental components of the SF-36 with somewhat higher ratings on screen recordings.
The SF multi-duplex consists of 1 or 2 elements, backed up respectively by 1 or 2 additional elements, integrated in a sound insulated enclosure .
I grew up during the Space Race and the Cold War, and as I explained above, my father was an SF reader in the 1930s and I grew up reading his collection.
I grew up during the Space Race and the Cold War, and as I explained above, my father was an SF reader in the 1930s and I grew up reading his collection.