Two CCD elements were designed specially in receiving part so as to resolve problems on measurement shadow region.
The recognition results show that 40 features are effective on the target region and is not useful on the shadow region.
In this model, the noise field in sound shadow region is deduced by applying Huygens-Fresnel principle. It provides a new ideal for deducing the diffraction sound of complicated…
But BP's disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has cast another dark shadow over the region.
dz But, if you do dz first, then the inner bounds are given by bottom and top, and the outer ones are given by looking at the shadow of the region.
Aliens, if they exist, are most likely to live along the line between shadow and light, a temperate region known as the terminator, the scientists said.
This changed last month, when NASA shot a satellite into a permanently Shadowed region on the Moon's surface, throwing a plume of material containing water up out of the shadow.
Sunderland are Poland. They have had to live in the shadow of their bigger neighbours, but are finally emerging as a new power in the region.
Based on the color-based and model-based shadow detection methods, a fast coarse model shadow detection method is presented according to the moving region.
The former first eliminate the shadow of moving objects, and then extract shape invariant moment characteristics of object's whole region and identify them by a BP neural network.
By the process of moving area detection, yawp elimination, object detection based on connected region label, shadow elimination, the whole vehicle targets area is obtained.
Then filter the region of interest based on the symmetry, the shadow and the edge of the car and narrow the region of interest even more.
It is also evident, from Area light and its shadow. than that this transition region is smaller next to the shadow casting object and grow larger far away from it.
It is also evident, from Area light and its shadow. than that this transition region is smaller next to the shadow casting object and grow larger far away from it.