Let, therefore, thy husband be to the world as one already dead, and of whom no tidings shall ever come.
If you will let me have her, she shall be treated with the greatest honour and respect as one dearly beloved.
Of course, at one level we know that we shall all die; but death has come to be looked upon more as a medical failure than a human norm.
Any period of above six months but less than one year shall be deemed as one year.
SINCE 1949, Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty has bound NATO members to a solemn vow: an armed attack on one of the alliance shall be treated as an attack against all.
I shall be there, but only as one of the crowd. My Spy will find a place for me. Take my arm, Sir.
Expenses not attributable exclusively to the Union but also to one or more other Unions administered by the Organization shall be considered as expenses common to the Unions.
There is an implied warranty that the adventure insured is a lawful one, and that, so far as the assured can control the matter, the adventure shall be carried out in a lawful manner.
A denunciation shall take effect one year, or such longer period as may be specified in the instrument of denunciation, after its receipt by the Secretary-General.
Article55a passenger ship certificate shall be effective for a period as granted by the shipping administration authority depending on her seaworthiness; however it shall not exceed one year.
One chapter shall be added as Chapter VII named as "Recruitment of Reserve Officers".
If the gardener has not completed the planting of the field, leaving one part unused, this shall be assigned to him as his.
For cargoes chargeable at the same rate, part of one ton shall be taken as one ton.
Any work shown, or referred to on any one set of drawings shall be provided as though shown on all related drawings.
The wonderful vision of this psalm encourages us to look to the joyful day when we shall all be united as one in the city of our God.
The speed governor shall be assembled in one complete set in order to keep a minimum setting in the field and tested in so far as practicable.
As for the one yuan, I mean to pay for calling me as it is not the normal financial responsibility of the company to pay for phoning those who shall not be hired.
The author argues that, right to reproduce, as one kind of personality rights, shall be a most primary private right of a citizen, the essence of which is freedom.
One set in spare part sections shall be defined as the total quantity for one assembly.
One day, when the whole world shall have been redeemed, all creation shall be able to speak, as in the olden times of which the poets sing.
I may not have the right to comment as I am not a paid-up subscriber nor do I think I shall ever be able to become one.
As between the Parties to this Protocol, the Convention and the Protocol shall be read and interpreted together as one single instrument.
As a means for manual intervention, at least one Emergency push button shall be provided each in the nacelle and at the control and regulating unit.
The use of up-to-standard experimental animals shall be taken as one of the basic requirements in the research projects submitted for approval and in assessing the results of such projects.
The Sections shall be read as one document and precedence shall be given to the order stated unless otherwise expressly agreed.
The arbitral tribunal shall be composed of three arbitrators, with one serving as chief arbitrator.
As part of normal business operations, workers shall be entitled to one full day off out of each seven-day week.
As part of normal business operations, workers shall be entitled to one full day off out of each seven-day week.