A frog lived in a shallow well.
Moreover , i am lord of this trough of water and i stand up tall in this shallow well.
There was once a frog who made his home in a shallow well. One day he met a turtle from the East Sea.
Place a clean dry folded piece of cheesecloth loosely over a bowl or a pitcher, and create a shallow well in the center.
Have you not heard of the frog that lived in a shallow well? It said to a turtle that lived in the East Sea, "I am so happy!"
There was a squat toilet set into the floor, and in lieu of toilet paper a shallow well with a little plastic bowl floating on top.
After listening to these words, the frog of the shallow well was shocked into realization of his own insignificance and became very ill at ease.
Teacher, not you don't deserve when my teacher, but the shallow don't deserve when your apprentice, shallow well really good slag, this is undeniable…
Results Among all eight drinking-water types, drinking of shallow well water and river water were shown with higher exposure proportion and longer exposure period.
But the shallow well spring is died by the Lei of the evening, Xing department big food and his family servants all at the right moment spread to stay overnight in the Cang together.
The turtle went with the frog to the shallow well. Lifting his right foot, he tried to enter the well. But it got stuck even before he could extend his left one, so he leisurely retreated.
Effect and experimental method on disinfection by chlorinated trisodium phosphate in hospital sewage. water in swimming pool, water in shallow well and river water were studied in laboratory.
We believe, as a additional force source, water level of shallow well acts on the crustal rock in form of fluid loading, pore pressure and chemical erosion, which promotes the Zhangbei earthquake.
He might as well plant an oak in a flowerpot, and expect it to thrive, as imagine he can restore her to vigour in the soil of his shallow cares!
The risk of childhood diarrhoea was 46% lower in the 179 households that used a deep tube well than in the 364 that used a shallow tube well (P = 0.032).
Acquaintance as shallow as that with the news is probably no great loss to society; Pew surveys of general knowledge suggest that young people are about as well (or badly) informed as they used to be.
While some people might think your behavior is a little shallow, it's better than being considered angry, tetchy, and someone to keep well away from.
It is deep and capacious, never shallow, with ample room for lungs and heart, carried well forward, with the prosternum showing ahead of the shoulder in profile.
Equipped with suitable derrick and well controlled device in drilling a shallow gas well water drills proved to be able to reduce shallow gas well drilling cost.
Even if novice testers were well guided, having so much of the testing staff be transients could only work if testing is a shallow algorithmic discipline.
Practice testifies that practice of this kind of reverse well track type project is feasible for the drilling and development of short displacement, the shallow vertical depth horizontal well.
As well as a flower garden and manufacturing area, it accommodates secluded terraces, a shallow pool and a farm cafe.
Large temperature and salinity changes occur in shallow, partially isolated coastal waters, a degree of variability well beyond anything observed in the open ocean.
It analysed the feasibility and the limitation of applying mining rig and water well rig to slim hole drilling in shallow gas bearing reservoirs.
For its powerful functions, the system can be widely applied to geological exploration, coal field well logging, shallow oil-well exploration, engineering geological exploration and so on.
After chiseling and piecing together, well-shaped rookeries are put in to water in exquisite shallow POTS.
Now the truth was, a recent earthquake had greatly reduced the depth of the well and the water was getting very shallow.
We might as well or the deep or shallow memory put into the diary, or many or little things of the pasts hand over to years.
We might as well or the deep or shallow memory put into the diary, or many or little things of the pasts hand over to years.