In the share-out on August 5th, Michigan won more grants for electric cars than any other state.
Based on the practical construction, this paper introduces share-out constitution, mixing method, construction demand of steel-fiber concrete, and it makes an economic analysis.
You can find out whether they are prepared to share the cost of the flowers with you.
It can be pretty tiring though, and it means you're out of the office a lot in the autumn and the spring, so we try to share the work between the three of us.
The company pays out a large share of its profits in dividends.
It was a mark of his unfamiliarity with Hollywood that he didn't understand that an agent was paid out of his client's share.
They cheated him out of his share of the profits.
And it'll work out a lot cheaper to hire one if there's more of us to share the cost.
To be interesting means that you have lived life, taken risks, traveled, sought out experience to learn for yourself and share with others.
In a 1-out-of-365 chance, or less considering leap year, Palmisano and Rometty share the same birthday, July 29th; is that an omen of some kind?
Our geography teacher told us to find out more information about our city and share it next week.
It'll work out a lot cheaper to hire one if there's more of us to share the cost.
The workers expected to share out a year-end bonus.
Despite two weeks of dispute among EU governments over how to share out the posts, a consensus was reached quickly tonight at a special summit dinner.
'There are some pretty vicious wars as companies go online and duke it out to get market share, ' says Mulpuru.
Strip these effects out, and the share of profits in GDP is still near a record high, but is not off the chart.
Once the winners of yesterday's election have worked out how to share the spoils of victory, they face a daunting in-tray.
Reach out and share the little joys of your life with your loved ones that live distant and you’ll find your relationship with them stays more nourished, loving, and positive.
BP's share price slumped, wiping out almost half its stockmarket value.
But the urban plants probably churn out a big share of the goodies that America buys.
According to Hitwise, Photobucket's market share topped out at close to 45% in February 2007.
据Hit wise的数据,Photobucket的市场份额于2007年2月达到其最高峰近45%。
I treasured them because they reflected the gifts I had tried to give, share, and draw out of others.
In 1983, Charles and David bought out their brothers' share in the company for nearly a billion dollars.
Admittedly, this strips out the effects of share dividends and imputed rents, which favour property.
“Every act for which he was prosecuted was undertaken for the purpose of protecting Enron and promoting its share value,” his lawyers point out.
"Every act for which he was prosecuted was undertaken for the purpose of protecting Enron and promoting its share value," his lawyers point out.
And the plunge in BP's share price has wiped out the equity-related part of his pay package as ceo-a significant punishment.
Recent jitters over Italy and Spain have raised fears over France’s ability to meet its share of any new bail-out commitments.
A vital law to share out the country’s oil wealth still shows no sign of being passed.
For just as that American table tennis player pointed out — we share much in common as human beings, but our countries are different in certain ways.