Like most twins, the two girls look very much alike, but unlike most twins, Betty and Abby share parts of the same body.
For example, members of a family look and behave alike because they share a certain subset of genes.
Identical twins are genetic duplicates, while fraternal twins share only about half their genes and are no more genetically alike than ordinary siblings are.
Web 2.0 and indeed Enterprise 2.0 strive to make it simpler and less expensive for individuals and businesses alike to share information, communicate with each other, and collaborate on projects.
Web 2.0(实际上是Enterprise 2.0),正在努力让个人或企业分享信息、互相沟通以及项目协作变得更简单,同时降低成本。
The Attribution Share-Alike v3.0 CC license says you can copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and remix works as long as you attribute the work as specified by the author or licensor.
Attribution Share- Alikev3.0CC许可指出,只要按照作者或者许可方的要求设定作品归属,就能够复制、转载、展示、执行作品,以及再混合作品。
"So only one in ten receives a note? That hardly seems fair. I thought you were all share-and-share-alike in the free companies. " He signed another sheet.
Private vehicles are important for individuals and industry alike, but there must be a better balance in how public transport and individual cars share resources.
You share love with someone who 1 resonates on the same 2 vibration as your soul you think alike, feel alike, desire similar things, almost as if you were twins, because 3 in essence, you are.
You share love with someone who 1)resonates on the same 2)vibration as your soul: you think alike, feel alike, desire similar things, almost as if you were twins, because 3)in essence, you are.
You share love with someone who 1)resonates on the same 2)vibration as your soul: you think alike, feel alike, desire similar things, almost as if you were twins, because 3)in essence, you are.