It can be pretty tiring though, and it means you're out of the office a lot in the autumn and the spring, so we try to share the work between the three of us.
And it'll work out a lot cheaper to hire one if there's more of us to share the cost.
It'll work out a lot cheaper to hire one if there's more of us to share the cost.
Friends share a lot of similarities, though there are some differences.
The data travelers share online is offering the tourism industry a lot of information about the country's scenic areas.
If trust is about the distribution of rewards -about learning to expect bonuses from others -then it's going to be a lot harder to share those rewards in an age of scarcity and deficits.
If trust is about the distribution of rewards - about learning to expect bonuses from others - then it's going to be a lot harder to share those rewards in an age of scarcity and deficits.
A lot of times people go to God in prayer and tell God about everything and everyone else, but don't share their needs with him.
I tend to do a lot of "share pairs" where people get a chance to do a debrief with someone else in the room.
And really that invention a lot of people to much more easily share their information and in fact you could easily make a copy of the document and share it with others.
A lot of the people who worked as volunteers were left in the aftermath wondering why they did not share in the profits.
In short, the length of time that an investor holds a share does not tell you a lot about how much interest he will take in the management of the firm concerned.
Of course a lot of things are tough on women who still, despite all that progress, do more than their share of housework despite – in many cases – working for a living, too.
Yes, indeed, we did have problems, but we share a lot of happiness too, we conquered the problems and had a lot of happiness too.
Ingeniously, Chrome itself need not take a lot of market share to fulfil Google's objectives.
Chinese cities are densely populated and a lot of people live in pigeonholes in high-rise apartment buildings. Usually, over 100 households share a couple of elevators or the same flight of stairs.
Let me share with you this model that I created based on a lot of research in the field.
The idea of threads is that multiple threads of execution can share a lot of resources; for instance, they generally operate in the same address space.
They also share a lot of qualities with some of the best entrepreneurs I know: They're born hackers.
As a work-from-home dad he also has a lot of tips to share about balancing his family and his work.
I wanted to share her story because it speaks to what a lot of families are going through - and it offers a good example of the kind of responsibility that's needed in Washington right now.
They both share a lot of concepts and a domain — the domain of authentication, authorization, and access control.
And lately I've noticed a lot of folks encouraging would-be entrepreneurs to share their ideas.
And, like many of his peers, he spends a lot of time staring at his computer screen, looking for amusing passages to share on his micro blog.
There are a lot of very talented people who never get an opportunity to share their gift with the masses.
Both sides are quite different in history, culture and philosophical thinking, but this doesn't influence them to reach consensus, since they share a lot of common interest and objectives.
They yawned a lot, but not from boredom: more of a cowlike contentment, a sense of peaceful invulnerability which we residents could not quite share.
In the beginning, you'll have a lot of questions and want to share your progress with others.
A lot of users clearly share this sentiment, though far too many younger users still seem to be quite unconcerned about it.
A lot of users clearly share this sentiment, though far too many younger users still seem to be quite unconcerned about it.