Well, Kodak had that in spades 30 years ago, they owned that. They had what I call share of mind.
Forget about share of market, share of mind. They had something—that little yellow box—that said Kodak is the best.
Real lonely you are most familiar with the actual environment, in the most popular scenes, that you agree with the share of mind with others from the flu.
There is no known record of her name; of her charms of mind and person tradition is silent and the doubter is at liberty to entertain his doubt; but God forbid that I should share it!
When their turn came, they'd share a personal anecdote that one of the objects had brought to mind.
It's basically a feature of the human mind that we all share, and we might miss this stuff at any given point.
[and] has allowed its competitors to win back much of the mind-share through ESB architectures and ever-richer BPM tooling.
The residents would finger the objects, then pass the tray on. When their turn came, they'd share a personal anecdote that one of the objects had brought to mind.
The fact that an image of a large sleek cat so clearly comes to mind when you think of the brand name Jaguar makes it pretty evident that the two meanings share a mental connection.
Mule seems to have the most mind share and - in terms of flexibility of the solutions - has most impressive repertoire.
Only a share of Dan Ding, that is, the saying goes can we truly maintain a happy state of mind and life!
I do not know how to face them because I share their impressions of the I is not the same, a great gray area in my mind, I am not good girl.
Cherished ambition of young people break free from the bondage of family out, flying in all directions, to find the mind share of paradise.
Google seems to share the altruistic, educational motivations of many researchers. But it's also got business in mind with Google Earth.
User armbands in the face of countless mind sees flowing between the lines, life philosophy, I share her feelings, only moved.
With that in mind, I would like to share with you a list of 40 things that I will teach my kids before they leave home.
As Americans, we don't mind paying our fair share of taxes, as long as everybody else does, too.
Six local composers will present their own perspective of this genre, and share their creative mind with the audience.
Away from the earth that the silence beyond the anxiety share of peace and tranquility of mind at the moment will be given a modicum of comfort.
You are in an especially cordial frame of mind at this time, and likely to invite people to your home, or to share whatever you have to offer.
This is just the beginning, maybe I just share some feelings about buying the house and frame of mind before the decorating.
You gazed at me with eyes full of love and made me understand that I was meant to share it with you. my heart my mind my soul.
Enjoy the life of the mind and read more good books and share them with your friends.
Enjoy the life of the mind and read more good books and share them with your friends.