Home companies producing food, drinks, or personal care products increased their share of the market by 3.3% over the last ten years to nearly 70%.
Of these, advanced portable has the largest share of the market.
Despite its smaller share of the market, Apple earns outsize profits.
Johnson has landed its half-share of the market by catering to these requirements.
JT, with a 65 per cent share of the market, has been reeling from the impact of this latest campaign.
Rising global demand for commercial jets means business will boom if Britain maintains its share of the market.
In addition, the number of players that control a combined 90 per cent share of the market should drop from 14 to 10.
The busiest stock exchange may mean the lion's share of the market in financial services, and the jobs that go with it.
It said the merged company had a 45-55% share of the market in frozen ready-meals, big enough for it to influence prices.
据称,收购后的公司在冷冻速食市场中占有了45%- 55%的股份,足以控制该行业的市场价格。
At the end of 2012, predicts Gartner, a market-research firm, Android phones will have a bigger share of the market than iPhones.
Apple also led Latin America with a 39 percent share of the market, leaving Nokia with 15 percent and Sony Ericsson with 11 percent.
And in the past 12 months, DoCoMo's share of the market has slid from 51.4% to 49.7%, while Softbank's has risen from 15.8% to 17.5%.
The big universal banks might get hit, but they stay in business and come out with a bigger share of the market than they had before.
These design-conscious women quickly and significantly became a bigger share of the market for Lamy than the Numbers showed in the past.
But people just love the product, so they tell their friends, and somehow it just grew to where it is now, with some huge share of the market.
The big winners have been cars with four-cylinder engines, which have increased their share of the market from 48% five years ago to 65% today.
Today those egos are badly bruised and, in line with trends elsewhere, it is low-cost airlines that are taking an increasing share of the market.
和其在别处的规律相一致,如今这些争强好胜之举受到重创。 市场份额在不断增长的恰恰是低成本的航空公司。
On Sundays his "pop" newspaper, the news of the World, and its up-market stablemate, the Sunday Times, embrace an even bigger share of the market.
Foreign competition sifts and sorts firms, winnowing out the weakest firms and leaving a greater share of the market to their stronger rivals.
Medium scale embedded systems occupied the largest share of the market globally source held and accounted for more than 50% of the market in 2014.
Vietnamese exporters have displaced most other suppliers, and now hold close to an 80% share of the market for regular toothbrushes in the Netherlands.
The chief airplane manufacturers in the world are pushing the envelope to make faster and longer range airplanes to compete for bigger share of the market.
Office, family ambry, chairs, tables and gifts, advertising gift, the demand of the society project, in shandong province occupied must share of the market.
Office, family ambry, chairs, tables and gifts, advertising gift, the demand of the society project, in shandong province occupied must share of the market.