That's only a small share of the total acreage that could benefit, about half a million acres in all, so it will be vital to prioritize areas at greatest risk of fire or drought.
The risk, rather, is that Apple will become more deeply Mired in a financial scandal over the backdating of share options, a practice that it and more than 200 other firms have now admitted to.
One thing attendees liked about the negotiating session was learning that men share most all of their anxieties about asking for more at work; and that asking is a risk for them, too.
But Mr Goyder downplayed the risk of Coles cutting margins to unprofitable levels in order to win market share.
Faced with the huge costs of launching new aircraft, Airbus needs two things: more commercial partners to share the risk; and the chance to outsource production to low-cost countries.
Another risk is that a proliferation of measures could be a gift to interest groups, letting them pick numbers that amplify their misery in order to demand a bigger share of the national pie.
Fortunately, these disease share a limited number of risk factors linked to behaviours that can be modified: tobacco use, improper diet, lack of physical activity, and the harmful use of alcohol.
According to the Michigan study, the share of 18-year-olds who believe that using crystal meth even once or twice carries a great risk has risen every year since 2003.
These diseases share risk factors linked to unhealthy lifestyles, like tobacco use, the harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diets, and inadequate physical activity.
The bond-leverage scheme has already generated its share of criticism, and Greece's recently announced euro referendum only adds to the uncertainty and risk.
They share four risk factors: tobacco use, physical inactivity, the harmful use of alcohol and unhealthy diets.
A risk pool allows a large group of people to share the risk that they may become ill and need expensive care.
In line with cultural practices, mothers are present on the paediatric ward and share the care of severely ill children, thus also sharing the exposure risk.
They must keep twice the share of risk-weighted assets as reserves that they did four years ago, 12% compared with 6%.
Over all, the share of microcredit clients in Haiti who have defaulted or are at risk of doing so has risen to 18 percent, more than double the rate of a year ago.
The undiscovered share of genetic risk for common diseases, he said, probably lies not with rare variants, as suggested by Dr. Goldstein, but in unexpected biological mechanisms.
Some 73% of Internet bank clients in the US share their online banking password with non-financial sites, sharply increasing the risk of attack to their bank account, a poll said.
On the face of it, Bouygues SA's decision to share the risk with the brothers was an odd one.
But Chinese security market is incomplete under short-sale constraint, which causes the ineffectiveness of risk share and the loss of social welfare.
"With the help of the freeloader's fund, we can share the risk associated with stealing rides," the organisation advertises, adding that all public transportation should be free to begin with.
Critics contend that Obama's proposals risk setting off an unseemly flood of political grasping for a share in the money.
When the share price of a listed company is much lower than its inherent value, there exists the risk of merger and acquisition, and the need of raise share price to defend the company image.
Can you get your lawyer to share in the risk and cost of the litigation and trial?
The dividend and risk of the shares will be analyzed for proper estimate of the future share price.
Mutual insurance is a kind of insurance that several insurers share the risk of a insurance contract.
It will have a positive effect on the risk appetite of a share and RMBin a short term.
It shows that the liquidity risk premium depends on the investor's risk aversion, the variance of his future consumption flow and the liquidation probability of each share type.
Severe sleep apnea raises the risk of dying early by 46 percent, U. S. researchers reported Monday, but said people with milder sleep-breathing problems do not share that risk.
Severe sleep apnea raises the risk of dying early by 46 percent, U. S. researchers reported Monday, but said people with milder sleep-breathing problems do not share that risk.