A shared experience of swiftly declining living standards caused by rising food prices drove these women to protest.
But saying something neutral that creates a Shared experience is a fab start.
Each of us will be forever connected by our Shared experience, and each of us has to rejoin the world as best as he could.
Communal feasts would have been a way to do that: they would have signaled the importance of major events and created a Shared experience.
And most important of all, through a warm Shared experience through someone who loves them, we help them to discover that reading can be fun.
Remarque implies that the Shared experience of humanity is more basic and more morally relevant than the arbitrary classifications of nationalism.
If your kid is sitting in the living room watching "American Idol," you can plop on the sofa with them, and "it's a Shared experience," Gentile said.
Much of the time, children collaborate with each other or share individual responses about an artifact, a story, a historical document, or a Shared experience.
I do advise to bring someone who is as green as you are to the sport so the adventure is a Shared experience and so your friend doesn't turn into your teacher.
I've seen first-hand how photographs like these arrest the eye, invite reflection, provoke emotion, and become a shared experience that gifts us with a larger vision of the world.
Cognitive linguists believe that the Shared experience and knowledge of the world stored in the mind serves as some kind of context supporting our interpretation and understanding of language.
A source, who chose to remain anonymous, shared her experience working in a Burberry store in New York in October 2016.
During the forum, Dong Qing, a famous hostess, shared her experience of creating The Reader, one of whose purposes is to create more original entertainment.
It suddenly became public—an experience that the viewer shared with dozens, scores, and even hundreds of others.
In a social media post, Zhu showed her greetings to China's youth on this special occasion and shared her experience in life and career.
I have made rapid progress in my math since you shared your good experience with me.
Love is a bonding experience where you have Shared viewpoints and where you feel for each other. We try to get the robots as close as possible to that.
Love is a bonding experience where you have Shared viewpoints and where you feel for each other.
I WAS in love with a handsome man with whom I Shared a love of books, and I wanted to view that as our singular experience.
I was always mesmerized listening to this“time machine”as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
The jukebox will then play the songs to all of us (in random order), creating a shared listening experience.
This experience is Shared by many overweight girls.
It's also, as Johnson observes in his superb piece, a prototype of a new kind of Shared national experience: people talking to one another in real time about real events.
At the concluding forum, the participating student teams Shared their project experience and lessons learned.
Wouldn't it be nice if the three remotes at least shared a common user experience?
Wouldn't it be nice if the three remotes at least shared a common user experience?