One method of reducing the tracking error of a sharp corner is to substitute a sharp corner with a smooth curve.
This produces a sharp corner or a clipped corner, depending on whether the length of the miter exceeds the miter limit.
The speeding motorcycle took the sharp corner so fast in the darkness that both policemen in the pursuing car shouted 'whoa!
Design: adopt small draft Angle to reduce soldering, avoid sharp corner to reduce crack, optimize runner system to reduce erosion.
The irregular shape of the space generates a sharp corner surrounded by the great foliage of trees that are already located on the sidewalk.
The constant excitement of new challenges and not knowing what was around the next corner in Beijing -- both literally and figuratively -- kept him sharp.
Create a rectangular path inside our path and select Subtract from option bar. Add two sharp points on each corner, after that delete all corners.
They are not to be given sharp things. Show them to be careful of sharp things like the corner of a metal table.
When an object contains lines that meet at sharp angles, you can set the miter limit to determine their corner shape.
Lung - a set of nine animals, their claws sharp as eagle, a corner just like deer, to flying water, clouds, is the head of the animals, has been considered the most sacred mascot.
When going around a corner, make a wind turn and don't bump into sharp edges.
Generation of sharp and semi-sharp features such as crease, cone and corner over the quad and triangle hybrid mesh is investigated.
The diagonal dimension of the hexagon parts is controlled by reliable position setting units, small round corner for female module designing and the male module with lateral sharp edge.
The former Liverpool and Real Madrid star, who broke his foot on New Year's Eve, insists he is feeling sharp and in fine fettle , and Gerrard believes goals are around the corner.
The former Liverpool and Real Madrid star, who broke his foot on New Year's Eve, insists he is feeling sharp and in fine fettle , and Gerrard believes goals are around the corner.