When we talk about a point we are referring to a piece of stone that's worked to a sharp point, in this case probably to be attached to a spear.
This causes a star to be seen as a blurred disk rather than a sharp point.
Drywall screws, Phillips bugle head, Fine Thread, Sharp point, black phosphated.
Drywall screws, Phillips bugle head, Coarse Thread, Sharp point, black phosphated.
Each claw ended with a sharp point ideally suited for digging into the flesh of prey.
Too many charge concentrate at a sharp point may ionize the air and produced electric wind.
But as soon as she touched the spindle, the sharp point pricked her finger and she fell asleep.
The surface of his pyramid used to shine with smooth white limestone, and its top came to a sharp point.
The captain explained that he used a tool with a sharp point to make dots and small dashes in thick paper.
Barb: a sharp point projecting in reverse direction to the main point of a weapon or tool as on an arrow or fishhook.
So far in this article I've discussed approaches that focus on the sharp point of the spammer's attack-the target site.
She gently places the cat on the tiled pavement and proceeds to stomp it to death with the sharp point of her high heel.
Using ga pencil sharpener put a point on each end of the wooden dowel(it is not necessary to make a sharp point-blunt willdo).
使用卷笔刀把上的一个点两端木销子(这是没有必要作出尖锐点钝性将尽) 。
This side of the promontory evidently formed a semicircular bay, which the sharp point sheltered from the breakers of the open sea.
Explain the value of a really sharp point and edge, the latter, particularly with a double edged knife, being as much to prevent the knife from being seized as for slashing.
This device USES a sharp point mounted on a vibrating cantilever, which scans the surface of a sample and reacts to topology and the properties of the sample to provide highly detailed images.
Lethally sharp walls to drunkenly stumble into; winding narrow staircases with no fire exits - it all screams "Death Trap", but I guess that is the point.
The trainer stands in front of the elephant holding a long stick with a sharp metal point.
At that point, there is a sharp reversal, and people keep getting happier as they age.
That would be welcome in itself—as a shrewd lawyer would no doubt be as quick to point out as a sharp economist.
When danger comes, I roll myself into a ball so my sharp quills point out in all directions.
The inflation hawks point out that consumers are, for the first time in decades, telling pollsters that they expect a sharp rise in prices over the next year.
A viewer can adjust the focus of an image at will simply by clicking on a point to bring it into sharp focus and blurring the rest of the photo.
The sharp rises in energy and food prices this year, which drove consumer prices inflation to its highest point in 16 years, have now begun to reverse.
At which point he must have gotten a good look at the fish's double row of razor sharp teeth.
At which point he must have gotten a good look at the fish's double row of razor sharp teeth.