We all know that silences can be pretty awkward, and research shows that even short disruptions in conversational flow can lead to a sharp rise in distress levels.
The share of the BRICs leapt from 16% to 22%, a sharp rise in such a short period.
It has been accompanied by a sharp rise in the gap between short and long rates.
The move follows a sharp rise in skin cancer deaths among young women using sunbeds.
But there are two reasons that the earthquake may not trigger a sharp rise in yields.
The first result was a sharp rise in traffic and productivity and fall in freight costs.
Meanwhile, the exchange rate was artificially high, leading to a sharp rise in the trade deficit.
Fifth, the socialization of private losses and debt implies a sharp rise in public debt burdens.
There was also a sharp rise in some prices, which tends to happen when supply is suddenly disrupted.
There has not, as yet, been the sharp rise in loandelinquencies that was seen in subprime mortgages.
That sharp rise in oxygen may have been the catalyst to the evolution of animals, including our ancestors.
Within months, however, ShoreBank found itself in deep trouble as a sharp rise in job losses hit its borrowers.
A 1994 measure to promote jobs made it easier to hire temporary workers and led to a sharp rise in their Numbers.
But if foreign investors are so concerned, why is the dollar's decline not accompanied by a sharp rise in bond yields?
But if foreign investors are so concerned, why hasn't the dollar's decline been accompanied by a sharp rise in bond yields?
Both countries' share the problem of surging fertiliser prices as well as a sharp rise in rural wages in the past year or so.
But there may be a case for the Fed to schedule extra, smaller purchases to avoid a sharp rise in yields when the current programme ends.
The NATO operation aims to help calm the situation off Somalia's coast, which has witnessed a sharp rise in pirate attacks in recent months.
THERE have been times when a sharp rise in the productivity of American business would have been greeted as unambiguously good news-a miracle, even.
Bryun's flippant comments stand in stark contrast to a state report released last year that documented a sharp rise in Russians' alcohol consumption.
The benefits realized through data mining are creating a sharp rise in demand for more effective data mining techniques, technologies, and solutions.
The benefits realized through data mining are creating a sharp rise in demand for more effective data mining techniques, technologies, and solutions.