During the Depression his mother, who had bouts of mental illness, turned to writing short stories to generate income; when this failed, she committed suicide.
This seems plausible until we see the actual circumstances of her death: She committed suicide by jumping out a window of a building opposite where Cobb was when she jumped.
It must have been more than twenty years later, one day when my mum came out from our hometown to visit, she suddenly told me he had committed suicide and died… I was very shocked!
TBS quoted police as saying that there was no evidence she was killed, while the Asahi newspaper quoted a police official as saying that Iijima seems to have committed suicide.
Fearing that she was on the brink of28 the latest in a series of breakdowns, Woolf committed suicide by loading her pockets full of stones and wading29 into the River Ouse.
Fearing that she was on the brink of28 the latest in a series of breakdowns, Woolf committed suicide by loading her pockets full of stones and wading29 into the River Ouse.