A great number of mid-Jurassic dinosaur bone fossils were firstly found in Jimu Mt, She County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province.
Her journey home first took her to Chengdu for two days and one night, she rested for a night at a hotel before spending another 14 hours on a train to Yuexi county, Liangshan.
She never held an academic post, but lectured widely, wrote a dozen books and produced three of the county surveys of place names.
County attorney: (Facetiously.) Well, Henry, at least we found out that she was not going to quilt it. She was going to — what is it you call it, ladies?
"They do not pronounce the r's at the end of the word," Ms. Li observed as she served up hot dogs on Saturday to a throng of hungry customers, many of whom placed their orders in Kings County dialect.
So in 2003, she started the Jason David Cayne Foundation toassist families in Monmouth County, N.J., where she lived.
Seaman made contact with other artists in Nelson County as soon as she moved to Bardstown in 1997 to be closer to her family in her native Tennessee.
She transferred to another GED program, but the job she was hoping to get, as a dispatcher with the county sheriff's office, vanished.
After living many years in the public eye, she spent her final days in seclusion.She died of colon cancer on 22 November in Richland County, South Carolina, it emerged.She was 85.
“Low-phosphate dish detergents are a waste of my money,” said Thena Reynolds, a 55-year-old homemaker from Van Zandt County, Tex. , who said she ran her dishwasher twice a day for a family of five.
“低磷洗洁精简直在浪费我的金钱”,55岁的家庭主妇Thena Reynolds来自德克萨斯州Van Zandt镇,据她说,她每天两次用洗碟机为五口之家洗碗碟。
Mrs. Rohrs, who teaches swimming safety for county schools, said she loves them.
13 days later, she was admitted to a county hospital in Yunnan forvomiting. While in hospital, she was found to have elevations in blood lipidsand hemoglobin, and diagnosed as chylemia.
One morning she took the train for the county town of Chaguanas, three miles, two stations and twenty minutes away.
Elaine Lindelef, a partner at a computer-consulting firm in Mendocino County, says she is not worried about her family's cell phone use.
The widow of the miner Yang Youbiao said she was hustled from the mine to a local hotel, then to another county and finally to a third county.
UPDATE: Fox 4 reported that Michelle Preston was in the hospital after a vehicle she was driving went off an embankment in Miami County.
Though her children live on, thanks to Wilbur rescuing the egg sac she leaves behind at the county fair, Charlotte dies, as spiders do, at the end of the summer.
She writes "Seema Says...," a column for The Wag, a giveaway fashion and party magazine in Westchester County.
She was living at the time in a country village called Cunupia, in County Caroni.
Her memory was vague, so she asked her sister Mary, and Mary reminded her of his banshee incidents back in County Cork Ireland.
She is not exactly a nonentity, having served as a state senator for the Clark County area (which includes the Las Vegas Strip, with most of the big casinos and hotels) in the 1990s.
For Reynalda Carpenter, the county official who performed the wedding, this was a first and "a little unusual, " but she may be working future Halloween nights.
婚礼上,一些参加婚礼的嘉宾扮成了自由女神、吸血鬼等模样。 当地官员、婚礼主持人卡彭特表示,这是第一场万圣节婚礼,有些特殊,但她今后可能还会在万圣节主持婚礼。
For Reynalda Carpenter, the county official who performed the wedding, this was a first and "a little unusual," but she may be working future Halloween nights.
County attorney: And what did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you had gone for the coroner?
Burbella was enrolled at Misericordia University in Luzerne County, but her attorney said because of disabilities including anxiety, depression, and stress, she needed help.
Burbella a was enrolled at Misericordia University in Luzerne County, but her attorney said because of disabilities including anxiety, depression, and stress, she needed help.
Burbella a was enrolled at Misericordia University in Luzerne County, but her attorney said because of disabilities including anxiety, depression, and stress, she needed help.