To be able to live, a woman has to agree to serve, honor, and obey a man and what she gets in exchange is at best a shadow life.
Hillary is Hillary mainly to distinguish her from the other Clinton whose shadow she can never quite escape, though there is a trace of male chauvinism in it too.
She is afraid of hurting her husband and how the incident will cast a shadow on their relationship.
On the first day of March, she sits in a corner with her biology textbook. A shadow comes over her table like a stormcloud. The stormcloud is Andre.
But, said she, "I wist that all their pleasure in the park is but a shadow to the pleasure I find in Plato."
By the end of the weekend she had a name, Soya, which is Tajik for "shadow."
By the end of the weekend she had a name, Soya, which is Tajik for "shadow."