She says it tastes yucky, so nurses add sweetener to make it go down easier.
There is something she wants to be to me, but she says it is not my mother.
She says it also changes between visits, as if time is passing there too.
She says it was all thanks to the vigilance of doctors at the 20-week scan.
She says it best. For her, celebration and September 11 do not go together.
She says it takes about 18 months to reintegrate them into their communities.
She says it was not a fake smile, but a professional one that any hostess would do onstage.
But, in any emergency situation, she says it is useful to have several routes established.
She says it sounds like the cistern is talking to her when she's downstairs and it's upstairs.
For instance, she says it aimed to reach 100,000 people with food aid Monday, but was only able to reach 60,000.
She says it begins to look at the separate components of metabolic syndrome to figure out how each one affects memory.
She says it matter-of- factly, as thoughshe’s telling me that my coat’s buttonedup wrong, or that it’s time for lunch.
She says it is important to have professional textbooks that are designed for children by educators, artists and environmental experts.
More important, she says it could send such a negative signal about America's financial governance that it could make the markets inhospitable to American debt.
More important, she says it could send such a negative signal about America’s financial governance that it could make the markets inhospitable to American debt.
After one such evening, she tells her mother she had the best night of her life. She says it matter-of-factly, the way an intelligent teenager might if it were true.
Virgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo/SpaceShipTwo launch system is still in testing and she says it is up to them when they decide it is safe to fly tourists to the edge of space.
She says it was the people who helped her: the creditors, the townspeople and , most notably, her controller , bob Lestochi, whom she hired many yeas ago. He is still with the company.
She says it is important to focus on improving lifestyles within an African specific context to get the message across that overweight and obesity can lead to life-threatening conditions.
"What a splendid banana," she says, taking and waving it like a baton, "I am very fond of bananas, as you know."
"You can have a great curriculum but if you don't have teachers dedicated to teaching it well," she says, "it won't work as well as you want it to."
"If she says that, it must be a nice song," Colin answered.
"It's not very big," she says, "but it is enough when we are sharing."
"You simply can't get an understanding of that handwork by reading about it," she says.
"It makes me feel proud to be able to say I made it myself," she says.
When teenage boys cannot read or have trouble with numbers, she says, it makes them “angry inside”.
When teenage boys cannot read or have trouble with numbers, she says, it makes them “angry inside”.