Well, hopefully, this article and some color photos will begin to shed some light on this colorful subject.
A new study published in the journal Current Biology has been able to shed some light on this puzzle of sleep and aging.
I don't know why exactly (if someone could shed some light on this, please do) but my program is now working, so that's that.
As pundits at a computer hardware publication, there is only one way we know how to settle our suspicions and curiosity, as well as try and shed some light on this product for you.
World Vision is currently conducting research into the nature of child trafficking in Lebanon in the hope that the findings will shed some light on this under-reported segment of society.
This dissertation attempts to analysis and hackles the Due Process of law and absorbs the beneficial aspect, so as to shed some light on this issue for the reference of related authorities.
One of my personal goals for this year's conference is to shed some light on the age-related topics discussed in Programmers: Before you turn 40, get a plan B.
The purpose of this article is to shed some light on the darkness Kruchten 1 refers to, by discussing a key characteristic of successful software architectures — the use of reusable assets.
The court battles surrounding TIBC's collapse hinge on this row about the extent and nature of Mr Sanea's role-something that recent court filings and TIBC's former boss have shed some light on.
This article refers to various versions of SUSE Linux, so as a bonus tip, I'll shed some light on a few bugs in different versions of SUSE and give you a workaround for those bugs.
During this process, I also hope I can shed some light on how the patching process works.
We attempt to shed light on this issue by examining some classical models of IPO underpricing for the Chinese market.
This paper deals with the study of the mechanism of formation of the nappe at Klamayi and Xiazijie in an attempt to shed some light on the oil possibilities of the region.
This paper, by the action research approach, studies vocabulary teaching for English majors at the foundation stage in order to shed some light on improvement of students' vocabulary ability.
In the light of Skopostheorie, this thesis approaches its application in practice and puts forward the translating methods with a hope to shed some new light on the translation of product directions.
Chapter four explains the significance of this study, which may shed some light on the translation of euphemisms in the inter-cultural communication.
In any case, this work enabled me to shed some light on the life Gao Feng led in Songzhuang.
It is hopefully that this paper could shed some light on the marketing of the paper package printing enterprises and other package printing efforts.
Can anyone shed some light on why this particular Naming Convention is not working?
Question: Let us shed some more light on the relation of this practice with health aspects and the purpose of the yoga practice in general.
This paper is a close study on the revision of poetry translations by professor Xu Yuanchong, with an aim to shed some light on the English translation of classic Chinese poems.
Through this overview of the military teleplays creation during the last 7 years, I hope that the paper could shed some light on the future evolution of the military teleplays.
Through this overview of the military teleplays creation during the last 7 years, I hope that the paper could shed some light on the future evolution of the military teleplays.