Eighteen months later, he sheepishly admitted his mistake.
You are sheepishly going about "trying" to achieve your goals.
"I was trying to unlock the wrong red car," she replied sheepishly.
“But it doesn’t mean you have to be green, ” he says somewhat sheepishly.
He shrugged, paused to think, then smiled sheepishly. 'I could rename them,' he said.
Selecting one, he brought it home and, somewhat sheepishly, presented it to our father.
As I sheepishly made the U-turn, he said, You're going to give Rhodes scholars a bad name.
He looked at me rather sheepishly and said, "Well, I had to get a job somewhere, didn't I?"
Clap your hands, shout "Stop!" and the pup instantly loses courage and veers off sheepishly.
She smiled sheepishly and said: listen to your mother that you go to Beijing, what time to go?
Joe's father, a worried-looking farmer with a thick accent, asked for Joe's hat. I returned it sheepishly.
I instantly recognized the spirited woman on the sidewalk, as she sheepishly smiled behind thick-rimmed glasses.
Mr Lonergan concludes, somewhat sheepishly, that money would cause less damage if people did not think about it so much.
Sheepishly Jeff confessed that he'd written an essay for a highly coveted Earthwatch scholarship worth more than $2000.
A very little boy stood up and sheepishly recited, "You'd scarce expect one of my age to speak in public on the stage, " etc.
The man whom he called Morgan — an old, grey-haired, mahogany-faced sailor — came forward pretty sheepishly, rolling his quid.
She saved me from having to later-possibly even at the same party-sheepishly admit that I, too, had already forgotten her name.
Somewhat sheepishly, Madhoun sent word that I shouldn't mention his name after all, and we dropped the idea of showing the video.
I give her a Mona Lisa smile to indicate I get her gist, although I do not, then sheepishly pay for my lunch and slink to a table.
"I had a blowout," Mallard said sheepishly. "It didn't hinder my progress any. I just had to pull to the side and get a tire change."
As they check out, grinning a little sheepishly, the receptionist wonders idly they've managed to escape their respective spouses for the weekend.
With so many people and vehicles thronging the roads, Cambodia's informal protocol for traffic-small gives way sheepishly to large-collapses into anarchy.
"Actually it's my boss's idea, " the employee replied sheepishly. "We usually make more money on repairs if we let people try to fix things themselves. "
Sheepishly, the client says "I don't know what I should keep or delete, so I never move anything out of my inbox" (no wonder they can never find anything).
"The man and his girlfriend climbed down from the bridge and said sheepishly they had just wanted to watch the sun come up," police spokesman Franz Winkler said.
"We like P2P because we can do things there that we can't do in our main bank," as a senior New York banker recently (and sheepishly) explained at a conference.
“我们喜欢P 2 P,因为我们在那里可以做一些我们在银行没法做的事,”纽约一名银行高管最近在一次会议上(带点不好意思地)解释称。
"We like P2P because we can do things there that we can't do in our main bank," as a senior New York banker recently (and sheepishly) explained at a conference.
“我们喜欢P 2 P,因为我们在那里可以做一些我们在银行没法做的事,”纽约一名银行高管最近在一次会议上(带点不好意思地)解释称。