Voters usually have to find the name of their candidates on a large sheet of paper.
He snapped his fingers, and Wilson produced a sheet of paper.
All he had left now was a sheet of the beautiful brown paper Pa had brought back from his last sailing trip.
In the art of origami, the artist would create a single animal or shape from a sheet of paper using precise folds and creases.
Likewise, if you want to find a job, take a sheet of paper, and write a brief account of yourself.
On the same sheet of the paper, write or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date.
She produced a clipboard with a sheet of ruled paper attached.
He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper.
In this case, when your start reading it, take notes on a separate sheet of paper about all the characters.
The first models are drawn on the whiteboard (or on a sheet of paper) and tend to be informal.
Near Grantaire, an almost silent table, a sheet of paper, an inkstand and a pen between two glasses of brandy, announced that a vaudeville was being sketched out.
In general, these designs begin with a square sheet of paper whose sides may be different colors or prints.
And they found that the protective covering is actually only 6 nanometers thick. That's about a fifteen-thousandth as thick as a sheet of paper.
Chickens are crammed into cages by the hundreds of thousands, each with less space than a standard sheet of paper on which to live.
The second solution was for folding the paper in a single direction. This is the case when you try to fold a long narrow sheet of paper.
I started the visual design with a blank sheet of paper, and then moved on to an empty Photoshop file.2.
So I immediately type up the paragraph, see what it looks like on a clean sheet of paper, and then attack that sheet of paper with my pencil again.
She said something to Jonathan and handed him and two other children crayons and a sheet of paper.
After they arrived, Dan took out a blank sheet of paper to calculate the expense.
The fantastic success of special relativity up to now, plus other cosmological observations, have led physicists to think that the brane might be flat, like a sheet of paper.
Instead, the user relies on reflected light, as he would if he were reading a sheet of printed paper.
Parents who communicate little with each other and child, will appear on a sheet of paper in different corners or in separate windows, divided by lines.
Take a big sheet of paper and a pen and draw the funniest cartoon you can imagine.
For that, you only need a sheet of paper or a small notebook, and a calendar to put reminders of events that you can (but don't need to) attend.
Write your partner a love letter or poem on one sheet of paper. Glue it to thin cardboard, cut it up into puzzle-shaped pieces, then mail all the pieces.
Each person sticks their notes to a board or large sheet of paper where everyone can see them.
The next step up in size is the pad, something of a cross between a sheet of paper and current laptop and palmtop computers.
On a new sheet of paper he drew an enlarged version of the tumor growing, explaining how it had probably started inside her milk ducts.
In the art of origami the artist would create a single animal or shape from a sheet of paper using precise folds and creases.
In the art of origami the artist would create a single animal or shape from a sheet of paper using precise folds and creases.