FastMart stores do not have shelf space to stock more than one variety of syrup.
Grocery stores of the future might stock "food" that lasts years on end, freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements.
Not enough shelf space for all the CDs, DVDs, and games produced.
But Coke now gives Thums Up plenty of shelf space next to its own bottles.
现在在印度商场的货架上,可口可乐都为Thums Up留下了足够的空间。
It involved an MBA managing the brand, the ads, the shelf space, etc.
Finally, funds pay brokers for "shelf space," or preference in sales campaigns.
One hurdle for Lenovo will be securing shelf space with major electronics retailers.
You no longer need permission to get your ideas out, and you're not limited by shelf space.
Plenty of shelf space is waiting to be filled in the emerging, authentically mobile application store.
Those records under the council’s control fill about 10 miles of shelf space — roughly 1.8 million individual files.
I also recommend audio books to anyone looking for ways to reduce the number of books taking up shelf space in your home.
Its insistence that manufacturers produce concentrated laundry detergent has allowed it to save on both packaging and shelf space.
Unconstrained by shelf space, sellers can list a large catalog of items and can quickly adjust prices to reflect changes in demand.
But before parents start giving away books to clear shelf space for DVDs, they'll want to consider the results of a comprehensive new study.
He predicts that shelf space devoted to print books in physical stores will decline by 50% during the next five years and 90% during the next decade.
An average record store needs to sell at least two copies of a CD per year to make it worth carrying; that's the rent for a half inch of shelf space.
The company also says it is likely to give greener products more shelf space, providing a direct incentive for Walmart's suppliers to clean up their acts.
Retailers have also been giving more shelf space to their own products, on which they earn better margins, further squeezing the big brands by making them less visible.
Blackwell hopes to increase this to over a million titles by the end of the summer - the equivalent of 23.6 miles of shelf space, or over 50 bookshops rolled into one.
But for those with little sentimental attachment to books as objects, and even less disposable shelf space, the offer of transubstantiation might well be seen as a blessing.
So, even though some suppliers could be paying around $50, 000 per store a year for a few feet of shelf space, many customers still can’t find what they are looking for.
Reagent shelf space is rationally utilized, and sockets and water cocks are installed under the reagent shelf, which not only hides unsightly pipes, but also adds stability;
You free up shelf space for new books (or for things other than books) and you get to keep the actual text itself, which you can access on a computer, tablet, e-reader, or smartphone.
Scanners give them the ability to evaluate in-store merchandising, measure price elasticity of products, allocate shelf space more efficiently, and record products automatically.
He hopes to grow the collection enough to earn its own shelf space, eventually adding PC and Nintendo ds games, and someday even making ds consoles available for check-out on weekends.
Companies devote themselves to creating them because the cost of distribution and the limits of shelf space in physical shops mean that profitability depends on a high volume of sales.
Companies devote themselves to creating them because the cost of distribution and the limits of shelf space in physical shops mean that profitability depends on a high volume of sales.