Sherron Watkins was a communications officer with Enron, based in Houston, Texas.
Perhaps the most celebrated of corporate whistle-blowers, Sherron Watkins, a former executive at Enron, never went public with her prediction that the company might be brought down by fraud.
在所有公司犯罪告密者中最有名的一位也许就是前安然公司的执行官Sherron Watkins了,她从来没有想到公之于众的结果会是公司最终被诈骗一案拖垮。
Perhaps the most celebrated of corporate whistle-blowers, Sherron Watkins, a former executive at Enron, never went public with her prediction that the company might be brought down by fraud.
在所有公司犯罪告密者中最有名的一位也许就是前安然公司的执行官Sherron Watkins了,她从来没有想到公之于众的结果会是公司最终被诈骗一案拖垮。