An on board notation indicating the date on which the goods have been shipped on board.
Ii. indicate that the goods have been shipped on board a named vessel at the port of loading stated in the credit by.
In the current case, there is only one "shipped on board" date, and hence the basic requirement as defined above has been fulfilled.
Full set clean shipped on board Bills of Lading marked Freight Prepaid made out to order Bank of China and endorsed in blank, notifying Buyer.
The date of issuance of the transport document will be deemed to be the date of dispatch, taking in charge or shipped on board, and the date of shipment.
However, if the transport document indicates, by stamp or notation, a date of dispatch, taking in charge or shipped on board, this date will be deemed to be the date of shipment.
These dates are invariably the same but can be different, i. e., the shipped on board date could be later or earlier than the date of issue of the received for shipment document.
We are pleased to inform you that we have shipped 2,000 air conditioners you ordered on board S.S. "Asia" which sails for your port tomorrow.
We are pleased to inform you that we have shipped 2, 000 air conditioners you ordered on board S.S. "Asia" which sails for your port tomorrow.
Singapore said the vehicles were used "in routine overseas training and shipped back via commercial means as with previous exercises" and no ammunition was on board.
Clarinet When I played with a symphony orchestra, our union reached an agreement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board, and which had to be shipped as luggage.
When I played with a symphony orchestra, our union reached an a GREement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board, and which had to be shipped as luggage.
We hereby inform you that we have shipped the 20 robots under order No. xxx on board s. s. Nisshin Maru on May 1st, scheduled to leave here on May 4th.
特此通知你方,我方已于五月一日将合同xxx号项下的20件机器人产品装日新丸号(Nisshin Maru),预计5月4日离开此地开往上海。
When I played with a symphony orchestra, our union reached an agreement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board, and which had to be shipped as luggage.
1when I played with a symphony orchestra, our union reached an agreement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board, and which had to be shipped as luggage.
1when I played with a symphony orchestra, our union reached an agreement with a major airline about which instruments we could carry on board, and which had to be shipped as luggage.