We accept paypal, and all the prices including shipping cost.
This quotation has included tax, shipping cost and other handling fees.
Avoiding transshipment is another consideration in reducing shipping cost.
All the prices we quoted are including the shoes cost and the shipping cost.
We do not give refunds if the actual shipping cost is less than the price quoted.
In order to figure out the final shipping cost or your order, you must log into our website.
I have no time to ask for these points, but I can only calculate my shipping cost with this info!
Build the ShipChocoDinoBid process to let the shipper submit the shipping cost for a chocolate dinosaurs order.
Test the correlation set implementation by using one of the QuoteCost staff activities to return the shipping cost.
Sorry, free shipping is not available for orders sent to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. But we can give you a XXX % discount of the shipping cost.
很抱歉,到XXXXXXXXXXXXXX不能免运费的,但是我们可以在运费上给你XXX %的折扣。
Just what I said, we are pleased to offer free sample including shipping cost to you if you would trust us again and give us a chance.
Please provide payment and billing information, as well as shipping cost of a 40' fully stocked to the port of Miami or Ft. Lauderdale.
Shipping charge: some buyers might think our shipping charge is high. But the fact is NOT, we charge you based on the actual shipping cost.
This price is not yet complete, however, because the total invoice depends on where the products are produced and the amount of the shipping cost.
If a quotation misses this, I simply delete it. I have no time to ask for these points, but I can only calculate my shipping cost with this info!
There is usually an Update button that recalculates totals, tax, and shipping cost, based on the quantities that the user entered in the input fields.
Carrying on the analysis of cost economy to the Marine diesel power plant becomes more and more important today with the gradual growing of shipping cost.
Since the price we offer is lower than the market price and as you know the shipping cost is really high, our proft margin for this productis very limited.
Remember that the cost of worms can vary from state to state and you must take into consideration the sales and shipping cost when planning into your budget.
Logistics management studies have focused on outsourcing, supplier development, managing inventory and other strategies for containing and reducing shipping cost.
In this case, the system displays the search results with a particular default sort (such as price and shipping cost), but the user can redisplay by other attributes, such as by price alone.
The system mainly contains colligation shipping freight index, colligation fleet capacity index, shipping cost index, climate sub-index, shipping industry entrepreneur expectation index.
Besides, we derived the relationship between the optimum ship size and cargo flow, and showed that the optimum ship size tended to be the ship with the minimum shipping cost as cargo flow increases.
Some cost savings can be achieved by improving the logistics of loading trucks and shipping packaging within each department.
Some cost savings could have been achieved by improving the logistics of loading trucks and shipping packages within each division.
A company called Suntech Power Holdings said in an interview that to build market share, it's selling solar panels on the American market for less than the cost of materials, assembly, and shipping.
Although the cost of shipping goods from Nanjing and other mainland airports has fallen dramatically, high fuel prices continue to make it more attractive to ship large cargo by sea rather than air.
In many cases the discounted cost of the item combined with the shipping is reasonable compared to the full retail price plus the time and energy a shopper expends to go and get the item.
In many cases the discounted cost of the item combined with the shipping is reasonable compared to the full retail price plus the time and energy a shopper expends to go and get the item.