The grasp of the whole tendency and short-term precise prediction guarantee the analyzed result of international dry-bulk shipping price to be of certain guidance in practice.
I'm sorry to inform you that I really have to emphasize the quality guarantee of our products and we'll offer you the shipping free of charge.
Shipping Maintenance is the indispensable part in the shipping technology management to guarantee the safety of ships and the high efficiency of shipping.
A letter of credit is a banker's guarantee that payment will be made on presentation of all the required shipping documents.
The integrated ship navigation system is an important system that is employed to navigate shipping, avoid colliding, automate steering, guarantee navigating at sea and weapon system using in effect.
The main function of I-VTS is to improve ocean traffic circumstance so as to guarantee the safety of vessel navigation, increase shipping efficiency and protect the ocean environment.
From our past experience, we advise that a professional art transport company be used for crating and shipping to guarantee the best handling.
We gain a very high reputation in shipping business resulting from our skillful workmanship, exquisite technique, good quality guarantee and excellent service.
After shipping company's signing, please return to us accompany with the original Letter of Guarantee.
We always send one QC to each of my factories, their responsibility is to inspect the product quality, packaging and guarantee shipping on time.
Packing Loan: the exporter applies for a short-term loan under original letter of credit used as guarantee. The loan is used to ensure funds for production and shipping.
Packing Loan: the exporter applies for a short-term loan under original letter of credit used as guarantee. The loan is used to ensure funds for production and shipping.