That would mean a proper bar where customers could sit to shoot the breeze with the bartender or other barflies, and nooks where they could nurse a drink and a book through a long evening.
It meant you'd rather submit to the words of some white dude than shoot the breeze with your neighbors.
Let me buy you a cup of coffee and we'll sit down and shoot the breeze for a few minutes.
You'll find it much easier to shoot the breeze and complain about work with someone who can relate to you than eating lunch alone every day.
"There is no profit in it, no deep purpose, but we" shoot the breeze "anyway, just for fun."
Hunters shoot their guns at animals or at practice targets, but would never think of shooting their guns at something as insubstantial as the air, the sky, the wind or a breeze.
Hunters shoot their guns at animals or at practice targets, but would never think of shooting their guns at something as insubstantial as the air, the sky, the wind or a breeze.