For example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film.
Or example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film.
It takes us two years to catch up, to write a script and shoot a film.
Mr.Allen said in recent interviews with European newspapers that he planned to shoot a film in Paris next year and had offered Ms.Bruni-Sarkozy a chance to play a role.
Alien was the film that set the visual template (grungy and industrial) for any director keen to shoot a picture about monsters in outer space.
They had asked for Sabarmati in Gujarat or Goa for a site to shoot in, since the film has to show Bond jumping into a sea or a big water body from the train top.
This film showed how they put aside a thousand acres out West where the buffaloes roam and nobody can shoot a single one of them.
This is a book written mostly for people with slr cameras (film or digital). Some of this information would not be helpful to those with a point and shoot.
The journalists refer to the visit in their account but do not address Lee's claims. They say they did not film anyone's face, except for a woman who allowed them to shoot her profile.
美国记者在报道中提到了这次采访,但没证实Lee Chan-woo的说法,她们说除了一位愿意被拍到脸的妇女,并没有拍其他任何人。
In addition to maintaining idiosyncratic lens quality, the camera has a framing mask that lets you shoot square photos on 35-mm film-or even bleed the image to the edge like its old comrades.
除了保护特殊镜头的质量,这款照相机有一个限制框可以让你在35 mm的胶卷上拍正方形的照片——或者想它的老同志那样让画面周围有一圈暗角。
If you’re feeling lonely, you’d be advised to see a film about a CIA shoot-out instead。
Before the racetrack challenge, he explained that they treated the training like a 'film shoot', in reference to his work in the movies.
It was a long shoot, near enough 18 months, but a film set is the best place in the world as far as I'm concerned.
Let me begin with a story, a true story which originates from a friend of mine who was hired to shoot a documentary film about computers and education.
A 24-hour photo shoot was held to photograph and film the kittens for use on these plates.
Before the racetrack challenge, he explained that they treated the training like a 'film shoot', in reference to his work in the movies.
I plan to shoot a small dramatic film in 3-D, just to prove this point, after "Avatar."
Although I have to spent my new years on a film-set, but it is a very happy and enjoyable film shoot.
"We gave him a lot of flack for being a pop star," Oakey said. "[His fame] only showed up on campus when the film crew would come to shoot a video with him."
Chen halted post-production work on "Mei Lanfang, " a biopic of the late Peking opera master, to shoot the film.
It is the hometown of golden peacock, is a lot famous film outdoor scene shoot land.
I still shoot on Fuji film. I work closely with a C-type printer and a retoucher.
I still shoot on Fuji film. I work closely with a C-type printer and a retoucher.