The shop-assistant dusted books and put every one in its place.
The shop assistant was dismissed as she was charged with cheating customers.
While the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe, bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics.
"Can I help you?" a shop assistant asked.
These are triggered by motion detectors or the press of a button by a shop assistant or householder.
The shop assistant looked puzzled and Harry repeated the word, slowly stressing each syllable.
They are especially common in cosmetics shops or health stores, which almost always have a lady boy shop assistant.
An observant shop assistant remembered exactly what the robber was wearing.
If they can't get reach you, advise them to approach someone in authority - whether that be a policeman, a shop assistant, a traffic warden, or someone similar, and explain that they are lost.
Shop assistant: the most common way is that dysentery bacteria spread by dirty hands, food or water, finally enter in alimentary tract by the mouth, infecting the receptor.
Shop Assistant: Sure, I would be glad to help you. Would you like it folded or boxed?
Steven wants to have his shirt dry-cleaned. Now he is in a laundry and talking with the shop assistant, Lisa.
The concept of "customers first" should be firmly rooted in the mind of every shop assistant.
Shop Assistant: Thank you, Sir. Here is your receipt. Please bring it on Friday to pick up your cake.
If customers find the goods they've purchased unsatisfactory and ask for a refund with anger, the boss and the shop assistant often use it to apologize.
Shop assistant: No I don't think so. But we've got some overcoats over here Come this way.
Shop assistant Ellie, 20, who lives at home with dad Simon, mum Natalie and sister Chloe, 21, now dreams of being a photographer.
20岁的艾丽是一个售货员,目前与父亲西蒙、母亲娜塔莉以及21岁的姐姐克洛伊住在家中,她梦想有一天能够成为摄影家。 。
Shop Assistant: Very well. Would you like a matching bow on the bag? It's two dollars.
The shop assistant hadn't missed a thing.
Shop assistant: Let me check in the stockroom. By the way, what size do you take?
Shop assistant: be more specific if you're going to complain about a member of staff. Find out their name or give a very full description.
Shop assistant: Yes, we have a good variety of shirts for your selection. Please step this way.
Shop assistant: Yes, we have a good variety of shirts for your selection. Please step this way.