In the longer run, the euro zone needs shoring up.
Shoring up the private sector: New IFC facilities will.
How is Detroit shoring up its finances in the meantime?
Steel for shoring up the massive new stadium's seating terraces is being installed.
Shoring up Fannie and Freddie will also compensate for tighter credit elsewhere.
Firms, thanks to a law passed in 2006, face strict rules for shoring up their obligations.
The young will be shoring up pensions systems which, as our special report this week explains, are riddled with problems.
Making progress on this front is essential for shoring up financial-sector stability and for restoring the public's confidence.
But FAO's emergency project has funds for shoring up the bridge foundations and upgrading the track that runs from the main road.
One of the things they need to be doing with some of this cash is shoring up their pension funds that are currently under-funded.
Stable house prices would do wonders in reducing loan delinquencies, shoring up the Banks' balance-sheets and restoring the flow of credit.
Fasting, he said, ACTS as a mild stress that makes cells throughout the body stronger, shoring up their ability to adapt to later insults.
We managed to take the front 2-by-2-meter unit farther down after shoring up some very nasty loose fill from Preclassic days (600 to 300 B.C.).
Conclude that America should redouble its efforts to secure a lengthy "managed transition" by shoring up either Mr Mubarak or someone like him.
Mr Stark stepped down in apparent protest at the central bank's increasingly interventionist role in shoring up weaker countries in the euro zone.
They conclude that America should redouble its efforts to secure a lengthy "managed transition" by shoring up either Mr Mubarak or someone like him.
The seventh Asia-Europe Meeting, known as ASEM, begins Friday and will focus on shoring up global confidence in the face of a world economic slowdown.
He says the works there-which have included shoring up a stone retaining wall and restoring an outdoor stone altar-were not only necessary, but a feat.
For that reason, Japan has been spending lavishly on shoring up what it calls Okinotori island, defying the Chinese claim that the place is just a rock.
Nevertheless, given inflationary conditions, many corporations seem sure in the future to turn to still more leverage as a means of shoring up equity returns.
Ultimately, your compassionate empathy in understanding their motivation and in distancing yourself and shoring up your own defenses is the best form of forgiveness possible.
Algeria's mid-year budget has further restricted the activities of foreign Banks and businesses in the country, while shoring up regulations for domestic Banks. Writer Richard nield.
Almost by accident, Europe has begun a policy of shoring up its information-technology sector through a handful of large, publicly financed high-tech projects designed to catch up with America.
Almost by accident, Europe has begun a policy of shoring up its information-technology sector through a handful of large, publicly financed high-tech projects designed to catch up with America.