Research now shows that regular quizzes, short essays, and other assignments over the course of a term better enhance learning and retention.
The final section in my book is a short course in what we, or at least I, don't know about complex adaptive systems and the nature of control.
Or course, short periods in the sunlight are also important for synthesizing vitamin D in the skin.
VN: What are the short-term effects you've seen the course have on students? What do you foresee for the long-term?
Salinger's last brush with institutional wisdom came at Columbia, where he signed up for a short-story course given by Whit Burnett, editor of Story.
Critics argue that the five-day course is too short and classes of around 150 students each are too large.
At the heart of these programmes is Directly Observed treatment, Short-course (DOTS) - WHO's time-honoured approach to treatment combined with patient supervision and support.
With the CDI strategy, significantly higher coverage was achieved than with other delivery approaches for all interventions except for short-course, directly-observed treatment.
It's almost too obvious that once you stuff something into an XML document, it's hard to obscure it (short of encryption, of course).
Of course, the short-term interest rate isn't the cost of capital; the long-term interest rate is.
When it comes to pinpointing the appeal of marrying a footballer, the short answer that's always given, of course, is money.
Foreign banks and Shanxi Mensna were on the course to call in short-term loans. Individual depositors rushed to banks for withdrawels.
In the short run, of course, it doesn't make any difference whether those domestic Numbers include products made that haven't been sold to customers.
Definition is important to us, and we're certainly not going to give it short shrift in this course.
A short season, beginning of course on the Glorious Twelfth makes grouse one of the most eagerly-awaited treats of the year.
A short course of oral prednisolone is widely used to treat preschool children with wheezing who present to a hospital, but there is conflicting evidence regarding its efficacy in this age group.
Be sure to know where your walls are during warm-up, especially if you do not normally train short course.
Rocky: I think I'll look for an English class. I'd like to do a short course while I'm here.
As such you are not likely to start running around biting people in short course, but because it is fatal cautions need to be taken.
It does not matter whether you swim long course or short course, you must learn to swim with the fly kick under water.
This short course on high-speed, energy-efficient and secure implementations of cryptosystems, suitable for small and large computing and communication systems.
Conclusion the new method has the advantage over the traditional method on simple operation, short course of treatment and excellent therapeutic effect.
By statistic analysis, it showed that better results obtained from small lesion, short course and young age.
Speedy diagnosis (By lumbar puncture) and treatment (with antibiotics) can prevent Brain damage and death. Viral meningitis usually has a short course and requires no therapy.
However, a short course at any one of the many vegetarian cooking schools in the USA will soon make it all seem like child's play.
They found that the long course better eased symptoms over time and improved 1-year survival compared with the short course.
Except for 1 case who had a short course of disease, all the 9 cases had the manifestations of progressive motor deterioration, speech disturbance and mental regression.
Except for 1 case who had a short course of disease, all the 9 cases had the manifestations of progressive motor deterioration, speech disturbance and mental regression.