I drew up a short list of 12 candidates.
Before leaving for the day, tidy up your desk and make a short list of projects you will need to do the next day.
It's still a short list so if you're a plugin maintainer, be sure to add your plugin if you know either way!
Once you've made your short list, you should reduce some of the non-essential commitments.
No short list of observations about the SCJP exam is sufficient as a complete study guide.
So, when orthopedic surgeons write a prescription, they will see a relatively short list of medicines instead of having to browse through thousands of options.
Near the top of the short list of places in our solar system that might harbor extraterrestrial life is Jupiter’s rocky moon Europa.
Keep a short list of your achievements on a note card and pull it out when your self-criticism threatens to overwhelm you.
In his autobiography, Franklin dedicated fifteen pages to this short list of principles - the most he had ever dedicated to one subject.
A good way to avoid this is to make your short list of must have features, and then launch a beta when you have those features. A so called minimum viable product.
From this short list, you can see that LinSched provides a useful API for constructing scheduling scenarios.
Buffett has regularly praised Sokol's work, and many investors have speculated that Sokol was on the short list to succeed Buffett at the Omaha, Neb.-based company.
This short list displays only basic Mercurial commands.
这个简短的列表只显示基本的 Mercurial命令。
The Lock timeout reporting chapter in the DB2 9.5 documentation provides a short list of those limitations (see the Resources section below).
DB2 9.5文档的Locktimeoutreporting一章提供了这些局限性的一个简短列表(参见下面的参考资料)。
I've made dozens of changes over the last few years (read My Story for a partial list), but here's a short list of a few I've made just this year.
As attitudes to privacy are starting to change, here is a short list of some ways to protect your privacy online.
We have a short list already, but your thoughts on this are important to both Kami and I as we design the survey.
Many chats begin with "Hi" and finish with a short list of common responses such as, "Thanks, I'll talk to you later."
很多聊天通常是以“Hi”开始、以“Thanks, Illtalktoyoulater”之类的常用短句结束的。
So keeping that in mind, here’s a short list of books that transformed the way I see the world.
All these would be welcome changes of substance and symbolism. But even this short list will throw up difficulties.
I've compiled a short list of simple little things that you could do everyday to show a little self-love.
Be sure to allot that time you've created to the things on your short list - don't just use it up with television or other space fillers.
The photosynthetic technique for transferring energy from one molecular system to another should make any short-list of Mother Nature's spectacular accomplishments.
Be sure to allot that time you've created to the things on your short list -don't just use it up with television or other space fillers.
New Mexico governor Bill Richardson and Massachusetts senator John Kerry are also on Mr Obama's short list for Secretary of State.
File folders, Projects, Requirements, Bill of Materials, Suppliers, Requirements - this is only a short list of various elements of data that need to be organized by PLM.
Phones used to have a very short list of features: make and receive phone calls.
You lay these out for your entire organization and then start to identify any pain points, highly reusable use cases, or functions you can short-list for your candidate SOA services.
After 100 years and thousands of patents, it is difficult, if not impossible, to come up with a short list of IBM s top patents.
Incorporate the short list of 4-5 most important things above, to ensure that you are spending your day doing what's most important to you.
将你一天中最重要的4 - 5件事情写在前面,保证你一天中完成了对你来说最重要的事情。