A business overdraft would be most suitable for short-term loans.
The problems in so-called interbank lending, or short-term loans made between Banks, date to August 2007.
The heavy dependence on short-term borrowing implies that there are huge short-term loans in circulation.
Interest rates for short-term loans between Banks fell, in a sign that Banks may be more willing to lend.
The legislation proposes extending emergency short-term loans to cash-strapped General Motors and Chrysler.
Foreign Banks and Shangxi bank began to call in short-term loans and individual depositors withdrawed cash urgently.
Next week, the Federal Reserve in Washington is expected to cut its target rate for short-term loans between Banks.
This bank was contracting short-term loans on the interbank market and making long-term loans on the real estate market.
Foreign banks and Shanxi Mensna were on the course to call in short-term loans. Individual depositors rushed to banks for withdrawels.
Rural Micro-credit is a service which especially provides low-income farmers in the rural areas with small, unsecured and short-term loans.
The Fed has also taken several measures to buoy the financial industry, such as allowing more banks access to low-interest, short-term loans.
Foreign Banks and Shanxi exchange shops were ruthless to take back their short-term loans; person account holders were desperate to withdraw money.
These disclosure statements must meet the same rules laid out in truth-in-lending laws, since overdraft charges are essentially short-term loans.
The outbreak of the financial crisis left foreign banks and Shanxi money houses reclaimed their short-term loans, individual depositors also withdrawed cash in a hurry.
That means that cash isn't being circulated through the financial system and banks are relying too heavily on short-term loans, which does little to help pay off looming debts.
In normal times, Banks share their cash reserves with each other through short-term loans at interest rates that should closely track the policy rates set by central Banks.
"When the housing and mortgage markets cratered, the lack of transparency, the extraordinary debt loads, the short-term loans and the risky assets all came home to roost," the report found.
Partly because bank loans are very short-term, the tone from Brazilian officials is different.
Banks may call in loans, or refuse to roll over short-term credits.
Banks are supposed to make money by skillfully managing the risk of transforming short-term debt into long-term loans; instead, they were undone by it.
The biggest Banks each have hundreds of billions of dollars of such debt, including overnight loans from other Banks, short-term paper sold to money-market funds and bonds held by pension funds.
As they made loans faster than they gathered customer deposits, Banks plugged the gap by short-term borrowing, often from other financial firms.
Banks are supposed to make money by skilfully managing the risk of transforming short-term debt into long-term loans; instead, they were undone by it.
First of all, the prime lending rate is the interest rate that Banks charge each other for short term loans.
As ersatz investment Banks, they make short - and long-term loans and take equity stakes.
As ersatz investment Banks, they make short - and long-term loans and take equity stakes.