"Spurt" is the word used to describe a short burst of activity, something that happens in a hurry.
To make it travel more efficiently, researchers blasted a short burst of sound at an electron trapped in an energy well.
Constructive Disengagement - Full engagement is using all of your resources and can only be maintained for a short burst.
However, when we calculate the area under this curve, we see that the short burst approach accomplished: 38 units of work!
This paper provides a Blind Equalization Algorithm based on data-reusing Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) for short burst signal.
We'd also like to thank World Gold Council for believing in our short burst of inspiration and allowing us to make it all come to life.
Vibroacoustic stimulation is performed by placing an artificial larynx on the maternal abdomen and delivering a short burst of sound to the fetus.
Vibroacoustic stimulation is performed by placing an artificial larynx on the maternal abdomen and delivering a short burst of sound to the fetus.
A short burst on the instrument creates a spittle shower similar to a sneeze, travelling at a four million droplets a second, a PLoS One journal study shows.
Endurance is the ability to maintain energy levels for longer periods of time and strength is your ability to sustain a short burst of energy. Marathons and sprints.
"I used to stare at them in restaurants, open-mouthed until my little brother said 'er, Andrea, don't do that,'" she says, emitting a short burst of self-mocking laughter.
In the first chapter, the conceptions of short burst signals and blind procession are explained firstly, and then main contents of this dissertation are introduced in brief.
I'm not sure he has lost pace. I still think he has that but what you lose with age is the capacity to repeat the pace. But over one short burst I'm sure he is still very quick.
While composing a letter on a computer you may interrupt the computer's rest with a short burst of key pounding and then let it return to idleness as you compose the next sentence.
A femtosecond laser pulse lasts on the order of a quadrillionth of a second but reaches a peak power equivalent to that of the entire power grid of North America during its short burst.
Thrust test-bench is one of the key technologies for accurate measure of rocket engine thrust. But test-benches that can compromise with both long and short burst measurement are quite few.
A video showing a sequence of STEREO observations, including this one, reveals that a small coronal mass ejection (CME) burst from this region a short time after this image was taken.
There are seasons in your spiritual life, too. Sometimes you will have a short, intense burst of growth (springtime) followed by a period of stabilizing and testing (fall and winter).
Some companies also think the new cells could be safer than batteries, which can burst into flame if short-circuited.
It's different from a fad, which is a short-term burst of interest or way of being.
Maybe the trendy messaging website coaxes contributors into feeling anonymous and uninhibited. Perhaps its short-burst format encourages streams of consciousness that go tragically unedited.
They burst out of the chute at top speed only to be stopped short — clotheslined — with a choking rope around the neck.
Every season, there's a club of whom little is expected who steam away at the start of the season and hoist themselves to the top of the table, in a glorious, but inevitably short, burst of flames.
After the dotcom bubble burst in 2000-01, the Fed slashed short-terminterest rates to 1% by 2003.
It's extra high energy, prompt burst, extra short time scale and complex construction of time and spectrum are very important in research of GRBs.
After the short ceremony was over, a small audience of family and friends burst into polite applause.
You will have no direct persistent counters to these, and a bullfrog can make short work of your burst drones.
The water coal burst disaster is characterized by paroxysm, large energy, persistent short time and stronger explosive force, it takes place only under some special background.
So an adaptive acquisition algorithm of PN codes for burst short frames is presented. The algorithm is suitable for the condition that AGC is applied before the ADC.
So an adaptive acquisition algorithm of PN codes for burst short frames is presented. The algorithm is suitable for the condition that AGC is applied before the ADC.