Some question the link between failed trades and naked shorting.
Goldman and Merrill deny that they participated in unlawful naked shorting.
The governor of Utah has signed into law a bill cracking down on naked shorting.
But it is hard to tell which Banks are long Greek debt and which are shorting it.
Failures of hedge funds, margin calls and shorting could lead to cascading falls in prices.
The most interesting section of Mr Emerson’s paper is entitled “Shorting as a Social Act?”.
爱默生的论文中最有意思的莫过于名为“卖空也是社会行为?” 的部分了。
Two months ago, the SEC briefly banned money managers from shorting 1, 000 financial stocks.
I wait for the Impulse system to go "off green" before shorting and "off red" before buying.
Shorting the shares of smaller firms is expensive because it is hard to find shares to borrow.
Sniffing out fraud and shorting its perpetrators has been a nice earner for Asia’s hedge funds.
That's an attitude Wall Street's traders and their bosses would be wise to start shorting - and fast.
His strategy this year has involved shorting financial shares, an approach with greater downside risk.
But we're not taking equity risk-we're buying the same amount of large cap as we are shorting small cap.
Naked shorting can cross the line, however, if a trader does not intend to borrow shares to settle the trade.
Most likely, JP Morgan has been naked shorting silver, by selling paper silver that doesn't physically exist.
X1 because, as you know or you should know, you can hold negative quantities of assets, that's called shorting them.
并不一定要是正数,We ' re, not, going, to, restrict, x 1, to, be, a, positive, number,你们应该了解,资产的数量可以为负,我们把这称为做空。
The spark plug must form a good seal inside the cylinder head to avoid leakage of without the high-tension current shorting-out.
It alleges that the men hired someone calling himself an analyst to smear Fairfax so they could profit from "shorting" its stock.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing this week to scrutinise short selling in general, including naked shorting.
Aldrin relied on a felt-tip marker, since the non-conductive tip would close the contact without shorting it out, or causing a spark.
Though a paired trade is simple to construct and generally safer than owning or shorting a single stock, it can still backfire drastically.
The system failed. Water came down walls, there was a strong smell of gas in some apartments and there was 'shorting' in the electrical wiring.
“然而水管和厕所系统出现故障。水从墙壁渗出,在一些房间有很浓的气味,甚至电线还会出现短路。” ”
She suspects her boyfriend, who likes to use a lot of Wall Street lingo he picks up watching business channels on TV, is shorting her cash register.
She suspects her boyfriend, who likes to use a lot of Wall Street lingo he picks up watching business channels on TV, is shorting her cash register.