And shortly after that she reached 360 degrees.
Shortly after that race I got it in my head that I could run a marathon.
Shortly after that meeting, Sokol made his first buys of Lubrizol shares.
It was shortly after that when she decided to make the dangerous journey for her children.
Shortly after that I left my office work and went abroad to experience the mysterious foreign culture.
So the work was probably concluded shortly after that date: so in exile or towards the end of the exilic period.
An hour later, my midwife tried unsuccessfully to coax me out of the tub. Shortly after that, I felt the urge to push.
Shortly after that, Julie says to me, "You know, I think we've cut the sass in our marriage by about 35 percent."
The traditional "reductive method" is suitable for the time of the production of the writing, or shortly after that.
Did he not write earlier that the Gnostic seeks to escape the world, and shortly after that of the Gnostic's will to destroy it?
Shortly after that, Bishop L. T. Walker of the Church of God in Christ told his people they had to get Old Hoghead out of office.
Shortly after that, Bishop L. T. Walker of the Church of God in Christ told his people they had to get old Hoghead out of office.
You made your United debut in the Carling Cup last year, then shortly after that scored that stunning goal on your league debut against Stoke.
Shortly after that, the girls will return to their camp to prepare for the next stage of their qualifying bid for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.
And shortly after that they looked into a room that was quite empty except for one big wardrobe; the sort that has a looking-glass in the door.
Shortly after that misadventure, according to a family friend, C. O. Byrd, she signed on as a Confederate spy and ended up with a price on her head.
Strangely enough, shortly after that, someone recommended him to work on a cleaning team and as a permanent staff. I really appreciate masters help.
Shortly after that, 69 batches of milk products of another 22 dairy companies were also found to contain melamine and were all removed from the market.
However, shortly after that interview was broadcast, Syrian state television had broadcast another interview with a woman it claimed was the ambassador to France.
Amy's father died shortly after that trip, but Amy's mother returned to South Africa yet again, this time to forgive one of the four killers, a man named Ntobeko Peni.
这次旅途后不久,艾美的父亲过世了,但艾美的母亲又返回了南非,这一次是去宽恕四名凶手中的一位——一个名叫Ntobeko Peni的年轻人。
Shortly after that, either right after because of deliberate action, or shortly after because it was just discovered, somebody decides to build something using that tree.
He wanted everyone at the talk to know that, shortly after that episode, the Burton brothers enlisted in the American army and rode away in a boxcar to fight in the first world war.
Shortly after that, he joined "the Association of woodcut Artists" under the leadership of the National woodcut Association, and devoted himself to the new woodcut movement of China.
Mission managers expect Voyager 1 to leave our solar system and enter interstellar space in the next five years or so, with Voyager 2 on track to enter interstellar space shortly after that.
For instance, Andersen Consulting changed its name to Accen-ture shortly after that firm split from parent Arthur andersen-a move that turned out to be fortuitous, given Andersen 's troubles.
For instance, Andersen Consulting changed its name to Accen-ture shortly after that firm split from parent Arthur andersen-a move that turned out to be fortuitous, given Andersen 's troubles.