The elder should be more accessible to new things and the younger should defer to the advisable proposals from parents.
We should defer to our parents' wishes.
I promised to do so in the future and even offered her a bet that if I were right on a certain academic matter she should defer to my judgement by becoming a Catholic.
Furthermore, a good architecture should allow one to defer almost indefinitely decisions related to frameworks, databases, web servers, etc., according to Uncle Bob.
Notice that you can (and should) defer to the delegate's native functionality whenever possible - after all, that's why you chose it as a delegate in the first place.
They could be permitted to defer its payment, but if it were for more than a couple of years it would be a good indication they should be wound down.
In terms of the treatment of women during pregnancy, we believe that providing the drugs used have a good safety parameter, we should try to continue treatment through the pregnancy and not defer.
If you leave unfinished work which should be done today till tomorrow, you will have to defer doing tomorrow's work to the day after tomorrow.
How should those who are granted authority to rule defer to those who grant the authority?
My Cabinet colleagues had expressed the kindly wish that my daughter Sarah should come with me, and it gave me pleasure to defer to their request.
Why the young rancher, irascible, obstinate, belligerent, should invariably defer to the poet, was an inconsistency never to be explained.
When should you defer extra courties (deference) to others at an event?
If you defer a work item to a later time, you should change its iteration accordingly.
If you defer a work item to a later time, you should change its iteration accordingly.