The princess and the shadow went out on the balcony to show themselves, and get another hurrah!
A new travelling show of 300 images, that begins at the Jeu de Paume in Paris, combines a mastery of shadow and light and eye for geometric shapes with a poetic yet unsentimental vision of life.
The air France crash over the Atlantic Ocean has also cast a shadow over the air show.
There are a few line chart options that are specific to a linear chart, like markers (show data points), tension (make the lines curvy), and shadows (give each line a drop-shadow).
You must keep your burn rate low until you can show without a shadow of a doubt that you have a business model that works, can be operated profitably and is ready to be scaled.
Even passwords that seem kind of unique, like "trustno1" and "shadow" are actually quite common. And why does "monkey" always show up on these lists?
In order to show a glimpse of how such a service-oriented Architecture may be realized, we implement a calendar feed as a mere shadow of a much larger service-oriented application through LAWS.
At this moment, the shadow of my heart Luzhen comes out a flash to show, I smell the smell of an old Chinese life.
Looking at the mother's back retreating in the vast shadow, my eyes show.
Previously, when the festivals or celebrations, the shadow is always steal the show, which is the main form of entertainment, one of the people.
It can show the size and dimension sense, express roughly material and shadow relationship of the product to client clearly. It is a more ocular and perfect presentation than sketching.
Look at the puppet above! She is Baigujing from the Three Battles With Baigujing. It is one of many shows from Beijing Shadow show Troupe.
Bright is in the heart, a sign of burning rather than instant costly green shadow; More than one point special, especially in the fragrant in flashy show alone.
Shadow play is to let the audience through a white curtain, watching a couple of people show lights in plane to achieve the artistic effect of the dramatic form;
The results show that: VBSI may decrease the error of vegetation fraction resulted from the area of image shadow, and the error is 50% less than that from NDVI.
研究结果表明:VBSI在估算山区的植被覆盖信息上可以降低影像阴影信息的干扰,总体误差是归一化植被指数NDVI 的50%;
The results show that LiSPSSM effectively addresses the redundant rendering problem in PSSM and improves the efficiency and quality of real-time shadow rendering.
Those architecture design show a striking contrast, such as the Windows on the building structure with walls, concrete and glass, vertical and horizontal, light and shadow.
The results show that the image using shadow moire capture is fitting to the calculation of grating sensor.
OK, we can show that by drawing a shadow of it inside the can, like this I'll label it scored opening.
Second, we show you a new way of figure out the shadow price in link, according to which we improve REM arithmetic based on implicit price feedback.
Brown brick on the shadow tried to show the rich color and texture of the prominent.
The experiments show that this method can segment the moving vehicles and removal shadow rapidly and accurately from the video.
Fainter markings, called shadow stripes, sometimes show up between the black stripes (1).
James's mom and dad come to his room and show him they can make shadow shapes with their hands.
They were eager to show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day.
The recognition results show that 40 features are effective on the target region and is not useful on the shadow region.
The recognition results show that 40 features are effective on the target region and is not useful on the shadow region.