Investment Banks are not the only parts of the financial system showing the strain.
But at one company staff whose faces are showing the strain can have Botox treatment during their lunch break at the company's own clinic.
That has been one of the main causes of the convulsions in interbank lending markets, a usually humdrum corner of the financial system which once again is showing signs of strain.
Scientists now have an answer, showing that the generation you belong to - and even the year of your birth - predicts how vulnerable you will be to a given strain of seasonal virus.
The existing model for the mobile internet business has not worked and is already showing signs of strain.
Scientists snow have an answer, showing that the generation you belong to - and even the year of your birth - predicts how vulnerable you will be to a given strain of seasonal virus.
科学家们近日给出的答案显示,人们出生的年代甚至是年份预示着其抵御特定种类季节性流感的能力。 。
If you see a thing transparent, paint it transparent; don't get the effect by a thin strain showing the canvas through.
The energy shifts due to the strain and quantum confinement are calculated on the basis of deformation potential theory and Bastard's method, showing good agreement with the experimental results.
The energy shifts due to the strain and quantum confinement are calculated on the basis of deformation potential theory and Bastard's method, showing good agreement with the experimental results.