It's easy to shrug this off as someone else's problem while living with a vast gap between the social connections one has and what one desires.
Stress is so normalized that it is easy for women to shrug off those symptoms as simply the consequences of stress.
It seems that for some of us, seeing the glass as half full is hardwired into our genetic make-up, helping us shrug off the miseries of life and enjoy the positives.
Perhaps consumers could shrug off t he decline in their wealth if they felt confident at work.
Many retail investors shrug off the inherent disadvantage they face, with so many insiders privy to so much information that they are not.
Some people can shrug off their failed relationships, but this doesn't mean they recover faster.
Fetching a million objects is not something even the hardiest hardware will shrug off easily, particularly if it's across a network connection.
Boys are driven by their internal engine, their brain, to wander, investigate, grab, and take apart the world around them. They are so driventhat they may shrug off disapproval from their parents.
But they are unlikely to shrug off a 10% plunge within one year, particularly since America's homeowners have become used to their housing wealth rising by well over 5% a year.
Many in Japan shrug off the problem of ageing. That is partly because the elderly continue to live comfortably on their vast hoard of savings.
You shrug off the notion that your work leaves an artistic legacy.
Many in Japan shrug off the problem of ageing.
By moving into Chapter 11, the proprietors have a chance to restructure their debt payments, shrug off the grip of some creditors and cut costs.
Sleep and brain SAP are both great survival abilities. You can shrug off enemy harass and negate any killing attempts they may have.
Ten years on, Mr Brown has left it too late to shrug off a record of overspending, overtaxing and overborrowing.
In all, the pipeline approach doesn't hide from the transparency of XML data, hoping to shrug off security problems.
As a result, we're better able to shrug off the visceral emotional pull of immediate rewards.
Try these strategies, and you'll be prepared to shrug off any tough situation thrown at you.
This year there will be a boom in loans as they shrug off the downturn.
To have a sense of humor is to be strong: to keep one's sense of humor is to shrug off misfortunes, and to lose one's sense of humor is to be wounded by them.
Why didn’t humanity evolve way to shrug off romantic loss and easily renew the quest to find a suitable reproductive partner?
为什么我们总是选择去忍受这样的痛苦呢? 为什么人性不能演变成能够习惯洒脱的放手,然后从新来过,去寻找一个合适的伴侣呢?
But let's focus on the positive. Here are 6 good reasons to shrug off the guilt and be grateful you're a working mother.
On September 15th Mexico lit itself up in green, white and red for a double anniversary, and to try to shrug off its gloom.
They wanted to shrug off 20 years of accumulated software history (what the information technology industry calls the "legacy") by building an OS and browser from scratch.
Shearer is confident that the Argentine can shrug off the media storm that has surrounded his protracted transfer to Old Trafford, having shown himself to be suitably thick-skinned last term.
Shearer is confident that the Argentine can shrug off the media storm that has surrounded his protracted transfer to Old Trafford, having shown himself to be suitably thick-skinned last term.