The point here, which is not limited to intellectual property, is that a demo can be very complicated -- and if you're not careful, your demos can get shut down before they've even started.
If a warrant is issued, the harassment will surely worsen to the point where many counselling projects will be shut down, as at least one has been already.
Troubleshooting tip: If the toolkit freezes or becomes non-responsive at any point, do not hesitate to shut it down using the "X" in the top right corner of the toolkit.
故障排除技巧:如果工具箱冻结运行或者无法响应,那么要立刻使用工具箱右上角的 “X” 按钮退出。
At this point, you may want to save yourself some time by cloning two new virtual machines from this template. Shut down your vm and do.
He says we need to sit everyone down at the negotiating table and shut the doors until they reach an agreement because the Palestinians are at a boiling point.
When the input voltage is higher than the overvoltage set point of the machine, the machine immediately shut down, and then red light flashes.
In response, the popular newspaper supplement Freezing Point, which carried his essay, was temporarily shut down and its editors were fired.
BP's decision to shut down Prudhoe Bay, America's biggest oilfield, to repair leaking pipes is a case in point, outraging many and pushing petrol prices even higher (see article).
At one point, up to one-third of France's gas stations were shut down by shortages.
At one point, up to one-third of France's gas stations were shut down by shortages.