This finding held true across all three weeks of the study, suggesting that a long period of shut-eye could temporarily make up for the chronic sleep loss.
Laying up for a solid night's sleep might not sound like the best recipe for weight loss, but loads of research has pointed to the importance of sufficient shut-eye to losing weight.
Even better: Go to bed early enough so that waking up when the sun shines through your window still gives you the recommended seven hours of shut-eye.
Ma said the case involved 480 reporters and others pretending to be reporters who asked for "shut-up fees" to keep news of a mine flood out of the public eye.
Today I see a meteor row from the sky, I shut hurriedly up the eye, matching to rise the hands orison .
Have some flowers and croissants ready to make up in the morning, and prepare for 8 hours of dreamless, pain-free shut-eye... on the sofa.
Go to bed early enough so that waking up when the sun shines through your window still gives you the recommended seven hours of shut-eye.
Go to bed early enough so that waking up when the sun shines through your window still gives you the recommended seven hours of shut-eye.