The SIB created in the previous step should be selected here.
Methods Both sib-pairs and random case-control designs were used.
The SIB JMS Resource Adapter will be described in more detail below.
The primary tumor can get higher equivalent dose by SIB treatments.
In the end , a mobility-related service with the new SIB is described.
Another important method of linkage analysis is the Affected Sib Pair (ASP).
On the logical SIB layer, there additionally exist components named Queues and Topics.
A new method of centroid calculation is given to reduce SIB influence effectively.
As mentioned above, a JCA resource Adapter is used to link JMS resources and the SIB.
正如上面提到的,JCA资源适配器用于将J MS资源和SIB联系起来。
The component realizing this requirement in an SIB is called a Messaging Engine (ME).
SIB中实现此需求的组件称为消息引擎(Messaging Engine,ME)。
Table 1 shows the functional differences between the different qualities of service provided by SIB.
The scripts take as parameters machine, server, node and cell names, as well as SIB port numbers.
这些脚本需要的参数有机器名、服务器名、节点名、单元名以及SIB 端口号。
The logical SIB layer links the artifacts introduced by the JMS standard to WebSphere-specific resources.
The correlation between the services was judged by the using of the SIB parameters as judged conditions.
Under favourable conditions, one man can produce 50 to 200 full-sib families in a single breeding season.
The genetic parameters of main quantitative traits in White Chengdu Chickens were estimated by half-sib testing.
The genetic parameter of plasma lipid composition and egg yolk traits using paternal line half sib are also estimated.
Once the SIB is created, a wizard, provided by the application server can be used to create the WS-Notification server.
创建了SIB后,可以使用该应用服务器提供的向导来创建WS - Notification服务器。
First, ly, the SIB related technical terms are clarified and set in relation to each other by joining them into a layer model.
Sulfoxide and sulfone, which are formed in oxidization of SIB, improve the EP properties and increase the copper corrosion.
The styrene monomers of SIB were random by increasing reaction temperature or improving the dosage of asymmetrical ether BET.
When the data were analyzed hierarchically by regions and half-sib families in regions, considerable differentiation was found.
Two full-sib families of Litopenaeus vannamei were used to study the inheritance of allelic variation at 10 microsatellite loci.
How to access the overloaded operations of a SIBus outbound service destination directly using JAX-RPC client through the SIB binding?
如何通过SIB绑定直接使用JAX - RPC客户机访问SIBus出站服务目标的过载操作?
It describes which resources (for example SIB Destinations) are involved when running SCA modules and how they relate to each other.
When using SIB as the JMS provider, non-durable events and actions are able to run 2.9 times more throughput than durable events and actions.
The introduction trial, including 10 full-sib families of Pseudotsuga menziesii from America, was carried in Huoditang of Qinling Mountain.
In this respect, you can use different configurations that can be described best with a cluster consisting of two cluster members assigned to a SIB.
The heritability of intramuscular fatty content was 0.24 by using sib-analysis. Meanwhile, we optimized the relative mensuration and sampling methods.
With only two cluster members fail over is not possible, because each me has its own datastore assigned and only one me per cluster member can be active for one sib.