After all, it is often more acceptably in our society to be sick and to seek medical help than it is to admit that one can not cope with the stresses of life.
It was really challenging for all of us, especially for my mother, who got sick.
I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
The media gets a hold of a question, and then like sheep all repeat it ad nauseam until we are so sick that we want to jam a needle in our eye.
The investigation team reported that it was possible that all 5 individuals had been exposed to the virus as a result of direct contact with sick pigs.
LMGTFY is a super smug and hilarious site built for those sick of “all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than google it for themselves.
There it is in pandemic where all of us get sick, and in panacea the medicine we can take that will make all our ills better.
I am really frightened of all this - not that I can't fight and get a position for myself, but it makes me sick with fear.
If he had only managed to kill the snake, it would have been worth it, all of it. . . . Sick at heart, he sat up and threw back the covers.
Mike: It was boring. The music was too slow and the food was lousy and, above all. I was really sick of the same old crowd all the time.
When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.
I was pretty sure of it. I certainly didn't feel sick at all. I felt a bit fatigued, but I attributed that to sleeping for a long time.
And I'm sick of writing this paper. Now I have to write it all over again too.
And I'm sick of writing this paper. Now I have to write it all over again too.