It's only when you inherit the mutation from both parents that you get sickle-cell anemia.
Or blood cells may be examined for signs of sickle-cell anemia, leukemia, or other disorders.
Sickle-cell anemia is a blood disease that causes the cell to form a characteristic sickle-shape.
Sickle-cell anemia is one of the most prevalent hereditary disorders with prominent morbidity and mortality.
Examples of so-called SNP diseases are sickle-cell anemia and Huntington's disease, where a single variant or mutation has a dramatic effect.
In doing so, they paved the way for the early detection of genetic diseases such as sickle-cell anemia, and for new scientific leaps such as animal cloning.
This image shows two red blood cells: a normal red blood cell (colored red in the background) and a red blood cell affected by sickle-cell anemia (in the foreground).
More recent experiments have shown that fresh tissue derived in this manner can alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and sickle-cell anemia in mouse models.
Donors like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation support numerous "lab in a box" or "lab on a chip" efforts to detect diseases like sickle-cell anemia, H. I. V. and malaria.
Risk factors for stroke in children include heart disease, sickle-cell anemia, some blood-clotting disorders, vascular malformations, and viral infections, such as varicella, HIV and others.
Hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemias and sickle cell anemia, important genetic diseases of people, have not been seen in other animals.
A cancer drug called hydroxyurea (Droxia, Hydrea) also is used to treat sickle cell anemia.
If you have a family history of an inherited anemia, such as sickle cell anemia, talk to your doctor and possibly a genetic counselor about your risk and what risks you may pass on to your children.
Sickle cell disease, also called sickle cell anemia, is a genetic condition that deforms red blood cells.
These disorders may include cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, and many others.
Seen here is the small remnant of spleen in a patient with sickle cell anemia.
In the U. S., the number of individuals affected by ADPKD is greater than the number affected by cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia, Down's syndrome, and sickle cell anemia combined.
Nigeria has an effective drug for tackling sickle cell anemia.
But CRISPR is very real, with the potential, one day, to cure genetically-linked diseases like sickle cell anemia, produce better crops, and create a huge supply of organs for transplant.
With the removal of oxygen from sickle hemoglobin, the red blood cell deforms into a sickled shape. This sickling damages the RBC membrane and increases the likelihood of rupture and anemia.
With the removal of oxygen from sickle hemoglobin, the red blood cell deforms into a sickled shape. This sickling damages the RBC membrane and increases the likelihood of rupture and anemia.