On one side of him, wearing sunglasses, sat the energetic, English-speaking deputy military commander, and on the other side the religious affairs judge.
Not only does it have front, back and side vision it can also see vertically and judge depths, claims the study.
Although it gets the chance to put forward its side of the argument, it does so only to the case team, not to a neutral judge or hearing officer.
On June 22nd a federal judge based in Louisiana weighed in on the side of Hornbeck Offshore, a local oilfield-services company that has sued to block the ban.
6月22日总部在美国路易斯安那州的联邦审判参与到当地油田服务公司HornbeckOffshore被起诉阻止禁令的案件中,支持Hornbeck Offshore公司。
The prosecutors were complacent: they would have the judge on their side, and a jury comprised of people of property, predominantly male, middle aged, middle minded and middle class.
The judge most not hear the evidence or the representations from one side behind the back of the other.
A male judge gets up and puts his hands around Ann's waist to show just how thin she is - and finds they can touch on either side.
After all, the French have a sense of humor. Perhaps the judge, when he heard Fillmore's side of the story, would absolve him from marriage.
In his global warming experiment, he suspended heaters in a grid pattern to create heated plots, then unheated plots, back and forth, so he can judge the effects side by side.
Agatha Christie's fictional sleuth is often dismissed as scatterbrained, but she is actually a shrewd judge of character and harbors deep knowledge of the dark side of human nature.
Well if you're of lower status, lower social status, the judge is going to look at you and say, "Come on, you're poor, your neighbor's rich, I'm going to side for the neighbor."
The judge in one of Sweden's most high profile cases ever is also a member of an interest organisation for one side and associates with the prosecution trial lawyers in his free time?
The judge must not hear the evidence or the representations from one side behind the back of the other.
Judge whether a person love you, not to show off the other side of the other when you can have more good, but this person is willing to accompany you to walk how long.
The old man also wanted the custody of his children. The judge asked for his side of the story too.
When the defending players deliberately prevent the use of intentional foul ball or stop the attacking players shooting in the shooting area, the judge attacking side a penalty shoot.
Were I on the other side, discovering over dinner that my date had been married briefly, I might judge him as immature and irresponsible.
There is no "domestic roaming," the concept of operators based on the caller's geographical location and the answer are the same side up position to judge.
The aim of stability analysis of canal side is to judge the canal side stability or design artificial canal side.
Cities ever also invited counsel for the defence of the other side to reach advocate examine on the spot toward the company before careful judge, but counsel for the defence is final nonuser .
Cities ever also invited counsel for the defence of the other side to reach advocate examine on the spot toward the company before careful judge, but counsel for the defence is final nonuser .