Cutting the cone at various angles gives you various shapes of ellipse. Until the angle of your cut exceeds the angle of the side of the cone.
Just rub the cut side of half a lemon all over them and buff with a soft cloth.
On the demand side, Western companies needed to cut costs, but their computer systems still required a lot of human Labour.
When replanting houseplants that have outgrown their pots, if it's possible to cut away offsets or side shoots, consider propagating them into gift plants.
At a recent trade show, Galvin had his crew cut a hole in the side of their model house to expose the structural system because no one realized it was made from containers.
Once upon a time there lived a stone-cutter who went every day to a great rock in the side of a big mountain and cut out slabs for gravestones or for houses.
Sources on the European side say the US approach could undermine the new treaty and weaken the world's ability to cut carbon emissions.
Huge scars were cut into the thickly wooded mountains as the road was excavated and rubble tipped down the side of the mountain.
Cutting thecone at various angles gives you various shapes of ellipse. Until theangle of your cut exceeds the angle of the side of the cone.
But how much should spending be cut or taxes raised, and which specific bits on either side of the ledger should be changed?
So, after a while, I would give it up and scramble back home through some short cut up the mountain side.
So as long as the angle of the cut comes shortof the angle of the cone's side it is an ellipse.
Cut off from the parents of their past and the children who should be their future, they seek a hesitant solace together walking side by side by the sea in the dark.
At one side there was a carriage gate of the ordinary dimensions, and which had evidently not been cut more than fifty years previously.
Add grated or cut vegetables into entrees, side dishes, and soups.
To slice long objects like carrots, cut a thin strip off one side so the carrot will lie flat on the board.
There was a sword at his side, and a sword-cut on his forehead, which, by the arrangement of his hair, he seemed anxious rather to display than hide.
Look here now, I will cut the apple in halves; you shall have the rosy-cheek side, and I will eat the other.
Whether it's a sweetheart deal, love money or a teddy bear hug, these terms suggest that there's a softer side to Wall Street's cut-throat, competitive - even if only on the surface.
Ronnie had used his pocketknife to cut himself free from the driver’s-side seat belt only to get his boot ensnared in another one.
Ronnie had used his pocketknife to cut himself free from the driver 's-side seat belt only to get his boot ensnared in another one.
It is hard for firms to know what the "right" prices are in two-sided markets. Cut charges on one side and it will raise them on the other, chasing customers away and making the business shrink.
Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin sliver from one side. Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise.
Remove the top of the drum and cut a small opening on one side at the bottom.
They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the Lord I cut them off.
The inner screening shall be cut on the scanner side and connected to ground at the flame controller.
Slide the small piece of cardboard in the flat bag, so you have a surface to cut on without cutting through the other side of the bag.
Slide the small piece of cardboard in the flat bag, so you have a surface to cut on without cutting through the other side of the bag.