In the case of the side links, all elements under the element in the navigation section would be matched.
My companion had seated himself on the other side of the table to act as interpreter in case of need; he was not wanted.
Even on the more 'normal' side - market sizing questions within normal case questions - interviewees often freeze up at the thought of tackling this ambiguous estimation question.
Now you can repeatedly lock and unlock your computer's screensaver just by knocking on the side of the case. Is this faster or better in any way than setting up a custom key combination?
The case has led to a rare difference of opinion between anti-trust regulators on either side of the Atlantic, with the US Department of Justice clearing the transaction in August.
In any case, you can add and remove keys (on the left side of the editor) and create or change the bindings of any key, as well as remove a binding (on the right side of the editor).
If these reasons are familiar to you, you may not know the subtler side-effects of each reason that strengthen the case even more, so read on.
In this case, either do not use stored procedure, or execute part of the logic in the client side and execute the rest in a stored procedure.
In any case, this at least gives you an idea of what server-side scripts that generate and reply to requests with XML look like.
In either case, the application should be able to follow along by maintaining the state of server-side objects for the duration of the use case.
Some people don't point their searchlights at the other side of the case much, for many reasons - entrenched ideas, avoidance of what might be disturbing, simple haste.
After reaching the end of a line, you start at the beginning (or left-hand side) of the next line, and so on down the page — or, in this case, the program.
It's also good to have the server-side data complete in case of communication errors and the like.
In this case, you need a new client-side JNDI implementation capable of working with your new directory server.
And the reboot operation is the classic case of a box with a big red switch on the side; the problem is how to push the switch.
In case they turned their attention to me I bent down to the side of the road and picked up some ammunition.
We will continue to follow this case, keep close communication and contact with the Russian side and guarantee the lawful rights and interests of the Chinese businessmen in Russia.
Subsequent trials showed a more modest benefit, in one case of less than a month, and the drug has serious side effects.
In the case where Cubans exchange homes of equal value in a barter agreement, each side will pay 4% of the value of their home.
Although it gets the chance to put forward its side of the argument, it does so only to the case team, not to a neutral judge or hearing officer.
Messages fulfill the logic of the steps of the use case, summarized down the left-hand side of the diagram.
In the case of HTTP caching, the cache entries are invalidated in case an interaction with the resource occurs that potentially modifies the server side state of the resource.
IBM USES a REST style approach for the implementation of the server-side applications; in this case, the REST implementation is a JAX-RS implementation.
IBM使用REST样式方法实现服务器端应用程序;在本例中,REST实现是一个JAX - RS实现。
Q: It is reported that the Australian side has summoned the Chinese Ambassador on the case of the arrest of staff members from Rio Tinto. Could you confirm?
Case Manager and client check in often in the beginning of therapy regarding those side effects which require immediate medical attention.
Similarly, it shall apply, in the case of the accession of new countries, to patents in existence on either side at the time of accession.
The summer after high school, afflicted with a serious case of boredom, I would often spend my time baking away pool side, or watching Jerry Springer or Maury Show at my then girlfriend’s house.
高中后的暑假,由于十分的无聊,我经常不是呆在泳池边,就是在我当时的女朋友家看JerrySpringer或Maury Show。
In any case, the time traveler has enormous feet, probably a side-effect of warping through the fourth dimension. See for yourself.
We can then use those values on the right-hand side of the case clause, as we have in the above example.
We can then use those values on the right-hand side of the case clause, as we have in the above example.